An angel's worth

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It had been quite a well since Lily came to the Demon realm seeking refuge. She was settling in fast as she always did what she was told and currently was assigned as a healer. She was working under the head healer of the demon realm, Titus, an old and wise demon. He was extremely knowledgeable and had years of healing experience. He especially made portions for the demon warriors who guarded the realm gate and river of spirits. Lily was told that the river of spirits is where all the souls of the earthlings travel awaiting judgement for further passage. She was amazed to come close to the actual river that she had been hearing stories of for decades. 

As Titus came to know of her healing abilities, he could not believe it at first. Lily's orbs always retained full health no matter how much she healed. 'You are fascinating angel', Titus had told her. Lily could not explain to Titus why her orbs never reduced in health. But he did not care and assured Lily that it only made her more special if anything else. 

Lily had a small room that she got assigned for resting time and sacred praying. She really did not wanted to pray anymore especially to the heavenly emperor disowned her so easily. But she still care for the other heavenly beings so she prayed in her free time especially keeping Kade and Isabelle in her mind. They were both kind-hearted souls. 

Life was finally easing in for Lily and she was happy with her new found life. But one day, Lily was interrupted during her prayer time by a demon guard. She did not remember his name because the guards always rotated and Lily was always kept busy in the healing section. 

'The demon king calls for you angel', the guard said in a commanding voice.

Lily had not seen Dean for a while now, the last time she saw him was in the hall asking for permission to stay here and that was it. 'What does he want?', Lily thought as he hurried towards where the guard was and followed him. 

The guard escorted Lily to the demon king's chamber. Lily was confused, why was she being taken to the chamber instead of the halls where the demon king usually grants audience to. 

'Please enter', the guard said when they reached the door to the chamber and he left straight after. 

Lily simply nodded and entered the chamber. The ceilings were so high up the sky, the chamber actually looked like an open dark sky. There was scrolls of books on one side of the room all eloquently arranged in orders. Lily slid her fingers through the books loving the feel of them as she walked further inside the chamber.

The demon king was resting on his bed with his eyes shut. He was wearing nothing but a robe that exposed his chest and hard built muscles. Lily tried not to peak but her eyes kept falling on his exposed skin. 'Behave Lily', she told herself. 

Dean sensed Lily walking in. 'Welcome angel, to my humble abode', he said calmly. 'I am sorry to interrupt your prayers but I have an important task for you'.

'What is it, my lord?', Lily asked curiously.

'Well, I already told you before that you need to prove your worth to me angel. There is a spiritual being that is threatening our guarding posts. Anyone who goes near it is being repelled. Of course I can send Marcus and he can take care of it right away. But that would be too easily dealt with. Instead I am going to send you there. This is your chance to prove your worth to me. If you succeed I will accept your allegiance to my realm and give you a permanent place to stay', Dean finished carefully looking at Lily's reaction.

Lily did not express any facial reaction but she was dead worried inside. She had only been taught how to heal and pray. How can she suppress or deal with a dangerous spiritual being as Dean says?

'As you please, Demon King, I oblige', Lily said bowing down respectfully.

'Very well Angel', Dean said gesturing Lily to leave.

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