The unknown realm

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(Hello lovelies, here is a link to an awesome angel music by Rick Neff. Please listen to it as you read to give you a more elevated feeling and experience. Much love)

Lily looked around. There was darkness everywhere. Her feet hurt from the thorns in the unknown realm. She feared she might get ambushed anytime by a monster or a demon. Lily had rarely ever left the heaven realms. Angels were always protected and kept inside the heavenly gates. They were only taken out to visit other realms for sacred prayers and blessing. 'Oh protector of all realms, guide me please', Lily begged desperately. 

As Lily walked forwards, she felt a sinister evil following her. She started praying trying her best to reduce her light. But angels did not have a control over lights of healing emitting from their body, it was a part of their being. As Lily fastened her pace, she could still feel the evil energy. As  a dark unknown realm monster jumped on Lily, a heavenly light shield protected Lily. The light was coming from Lily's locket that Kaden had given her.

'That is the war god's soul...', the demon whimpered in fear and ran away. Every realm being had a part of their soul contained in a vessel they liked. Some stored it in their weapons, some in their armours & jewellers and some even in their wandering pets (a celestial spirit resembling a pet). 

'Why would Kaden give his vessel to me', Lily wondered shocked. 'Kaden really is a kind hearted man'. 

Lily's thoughts were interrupted when she heard growls of pain from faraway. She did not dare follow the sound but the more she listened to it. She could tell it sounded like someone was really hurt and crying for help. 'If I do not help this injured being, what is the use of possessing healing abilities?', Lily finally convinced herself and headed towards the direction of the sound. 

There was a demon injured near the shores and he was clutching his bleeding upper torso. Someone had ripped his armours and skin with a sharp blade. Lily knew he was from the demon realm as his armour suit were dark but Lily did not feel threatened at all by his present. Angels were often taught in heaven to always stay away from demons as they bring harm everywhere they went. But Lily no longer wanted to live by with she was taught with, she had the chance now to see the six realms for herself. 'Maybe the realm protector wants me to explore his creation', Lily thought positively.

'UGHHHHH, PLEASE HELP ME', the demon groaned in pain. Lily quickly put a hand on his wound and chanted some prayers. 'May the light of healing lessen your pain and guide you back to your normal health'. After a few minutes, the demon started to rest easy as the pain lessened gradually. His wounds started closing and he was finally breathing normally. 

The demon looked at his saviour and said, 'My name is Marcus. I am the commanding demon from the demon's realm. I serve the demon king Dean. Thank you for saving me today'.

'I am Lily. I have been exiled from the heavens and now I walk my path in the unknown realms', Lily said sadly.

Marcus felt pity for Lily. An angel getting exiled from heavens was one of the rarest thing to be heard of. 'What did she do so unacceptable to be exiled', Marcus thought to himself. 'If you have no where to go to. I will offer to take you back with me to the demon realm. You have great healing abilities so your skills will not go to waste'.

Lily looked scared for a while just from the thought of working for a demon king. She has always been taught of how evil, dark and ruthless the demon king was. She gulped the big lump in her throat and carefully said, 'What will happen to me if I refuse this offer'.

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