Chapter 5: Katsudon

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So... It's been a while.

First, I want to apologize for the delay. At first I was taking a break for my mental health, and then I was busy with the holidays and then it was just really hard to get back in the groove of writing, not to mention the writers block that I've only barely managed to get over. 

This was actually supposed to be out over a month ago but that didn't go as planned. I almost kind of managed to keep my instagram updated with progress so if you want to know why updates on this, or any of my other stories aren't coming out I recommend going there. There's a link on my profile or you can just search my username since it's the same as on here with the same profile picture.

This chapter is the same length as the others (roughly) but it feels kinda short to me so I'm sorry about that. I'm also sorry if there's a bit of a disconnect around the middle of the chapter since part of it was written way back when I was still in the groove of writing, some of it is from a month ago and some of it is from today. I'll fix it when I go through for editing but I hope it's good enough for now.

It's not beta-ed or anything but hopefully it's okay!

Anyways, I think you guys have been waiting long enough.

Without further ado...

Here's Chapter 5! Enjoy!


Chapter 5: Katsudon

Blue-green, brown and blue eyes stared at him silently, unmoving. It didn't last. Suddenly Hinata was being crushed under the weight of two Russians and a Japanese man. If he could breath he would've laughed.

"Shouyou!" His given name was shouted in strong non-Japanese accents, right in his ears while Yuuri yelled "Shou-chan!" instead (much like the other members of the Katsuki family).

Hinata mumbled something in a mixture of every language he knew in an attempt to get the weight off of him. None of them were that heavy on their own, especially the youngest of the three but the three of them crushing him at once was too much. Honestly, Hinata had no idea what they were thinking. Didn't they know how small he was? (They should since Yuri-senpai was the same height at his age--even if he'd grown closer to Kenma's height now).

His thoughts of Karasuno and volleyball and even Hiroko-okaasan's dinner temporarily forgotten, Hinata was swept away in catching up with the three older skaters. It was only when Yuri-senpai, in his best "angry" voice, asked Hinata what he was waiting for and to get warmed up that he even remembered why he was there.

"Oh! I can't now! I actually came here to tell you that Hiroko-okaasan will have dinner ready soon and that mine and my friends' volleyball teams are staying at the onsen for the week. And the triplets are interrogating a few of them in the lobby as we speak." He didn't directly say it, but his tone heavily implied just what that dinner would be and none of them wanted to miss it.

The three packed up their stuff quickly and met Hinata's friends in the lobby where Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, Yaku and Lev were still talking with Yuuko and being questioned by her kids. Hinata didn't feel sorry for them. He'd warned them about the three girls long before this trip was ever mentioned and they only laughed (except Kenma, who had sympathized with him).

"Guys! This is Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov and Yuri Plisetsky! They're the ones I was telling you about! Yuuri, Victor, Yuri-senpai, these are my friends from volleyball." Hinata gestured to each of his friends as he introduced them. "Kuroo, Nekoma's captain. Lev, your secret love child from Nekoma. Yaku-senpai from Nekoma. Kenma from Nekoma. Bokuto-san, Fukurodani's captain and his handler and vice captain Akaashi-san."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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