Chapter 4: Yu-Topia Katsuki and the Ice Castle

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I'm sorry this is so late! These past weeks were a lot because one of my friend of 5 years moved away. We had a going away party for him last Saturday then he left on Monday and it really messed with my sleeping schedule (the party ended late at night and my normal sleep schedule isn't great to begin with). Luckily I was able to get myself on a more normal schedule since then so now I'm writing during the day. I just really struggled with this chapter for some reason (until tonight).

I also got a few PMs about notifications not working/not getting emails about when new chapters are posted and if that's the case you can follow my instagram ( korean_oreo )--I post random stuff and when I add new chapters so that should help if something similar is happening to you. You can also see what I'm doing when I'm not posting so that's fun (there are no pictures of my face yet but we'll get there 😂 I'm a very self conscious person).

There's also an in-depth explanation for what the Omiyage I picked are since they're not exactly well known. So there are descriptions and pictures below--of course, if any of the information is incorrect, please correct me! I'm not completely versed in localized Japanese culture so I had to work with what I could find.


Onto the chapter!


Chapter Four: Yu-Topia Katsuki and the Ice Castle


No one expected Hinata to be tackled by a large poodle the second he stepped off the bus nor did they expect Hinata to know the dog's name. It wasn't wearing a collar, which meant Hinata actually knew the dog--unless of course, he just reacted on instinct because the poodle reminded him of a different dog. That didn't seem likely with how affectionate and friendly the dog was with Hinata though.

The orange haired teen was finally able to push the overgrown puppy off enough to regain his balance. His team forgotten, Hinata squished the dog's jowls and cooed at him before a voice caught everyone's attention.

"Sho-chan! How nice to see you!" A sweet looking, chubby older lady called to them from the front door to the inn.

If Hinata looked like he was glowing at the sight of the poodle then he became the sun (more so than he already was) when he saw who they presumed was the innkeeper.

"Hiroko-okaasan!" He ran to the woman who was even shorter than he was and enveloped her in a hug while the dog trailed behind him. Suddenly he bolted upright, "Oh!"

Hinata took his floral print backpack off his back and pulled out a package of dateemaki. The rest of the team realized that this was why he had the bag of omiyage. He knew the innkeeper (and likely the rest of the family--it was family run after all) well enough to refer to her as a mother figure.

"These are for you! I also have something for Toshiya-touchan, Minako-sensei and Mari-nee! Oh! I also brought some things for Yuuri-nii, Viktor and Yuri-senpai but I wasn't sure if they were here until I saw Makkachin."

The innkeeper, who they assumed was Katsuki Hiroko, chuckled at Hinata's hyperactivity and patted his orange hair gently while the Karasuno middle blocker beamed at her.

The two conversed a bit too quietly for the team to hear but they weren't really trying to, too busy trying to process what had just happened.

"How does Hinata know the owners?" Tanaka asked. He wasn't expecting anyone to know but he needed to get the question off his chest.

"Shouyou lived here before he moved to Miyagi." Kenma's monotone voice answered the rhetorical question, not looking up from his phone.

"You guys didn't know that Chibi-chan wasn't born there?" It was obvious that Kuroo only intended to tease Tanaka but the words pierced through the team like a blade.

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