Chapter 3: Trip

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Sorry I'm posting so late in the day, I stayed up all night because of a few incidents with spiders (more details in the end note) and didn't fall asleep until almost 9 am--then I woke up at 4 pm. So You get new chapter at like 12 am. Oops

Since some people don't like it when outfits are over described I thought I'd warn you here. It's kinda important for Hinata's character within this story but if you really don't care you can skip it or just look at the linked image of his outfit. Please don't complain about it in the comments, it's going to be a recurring theme in this story since fashion and SNS is going to play heavily--especially when the team discovers Hinata's instagram.

The outfit he's wearing is the picture linked above, created with Fashmates (basically a polyvore clone since that no longer exists).


Onto the chapter!


Chapter Three: Travel


Going somewhere with his teammates wearing anything other than his gym clothes or school uniform was new and a little nerve wracking. It wasn't that he lacked confidence, he knew he looked fabulous (Victor told him so and if there was anything he could trust the man with it was skating and fashion). He still didn't know how they'd react to it, though.

Kenma and his usual hangout group were well aware of his clothing choices, Kuroo teased him a bit but it was all in good fun--and at least if they had reacted poorly, Hinata wouldn't have been forced to see them every day afterwards. Not that any of them had bad reactions, they were all very enthusiastic and supportive--sometimes they even got dressed up as a group. Normally those clothes were less feminine but it was still fun.

His teammates though... they were his teammates and classmates and he wasn't planning on quitting volleyball or getting kicked off over something as small as the clothes he enjoyed wearing. If they reacted badly, he'd be stuck for the next few years. Or he'd have to transfer schools which he definitely didn't want.

At the same time, it was also completely freeing. It was well known that Hinata could be bold (even if he did get anxiety over games and competitions--even people on occasion) and his clothes reflected that. They were bold, sometimes a bit on the girly or cutesy side, but bold. Especially for a boy to be wearing. Of course, being around Yuri-senpai and Victor-senpai only made it worse since they both enjoyed clothes shopping more than anyone else he knew and despite his many protests, insisted helping him dress the way he wanted. Yuri-senpai said it was so that he didn't look homeless while hanging around with them but Hinata knew it was because having another eccentric friend who liked to dress just as fabulously as he did was too good an opportunity to pass up. Especially when that friend wasn't Victor. According to Yuuri-nii, he was kind of a diva but Hinata thought that was okay because he didn't really get to dress up as often as he'd like--even if he'd had more opportunities recently. Yuuri-nii didn't have nearly as good taste in clothes but he dressed up nice when he wasn't left in charge of it--he was always willing to dress up to make Victor happy.

He went all out. They'd be going a long distance and be seen by a lot of people and there was absolutely no way Hinata was going to risk being recognized while looking sloppy.

He was dressed in a black oversized shirt he'd gotten in Korea. It gave the illusion of being a shirt over a shirt and had black and white striped sleeves and a star over his right hip. The sleeves nearly went to his fingertips and the hem reached his mid-thigh and he loved it. Wearing loose fitting clothing was a nice change compared to his uniform and figure skating outfits (he looked good in those too, but they were less comfortable). Covering his thin yet muscular legs were white skinny jeans, clean and bright (as if he'd ever let anything get on them). On his feet were his pink cat socks (a gift from Yuri-senpai) and sparkly black wedge converse. He even wore jewelry for once.

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