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* Ok so I wrote this chapter and I thought it was bad so I rewrote it* 

June 9th, 2014 

8 AM 

This morning, the boys and I thought it would be an ok idea to sleep in a little since Chicago was only 5 hours away. Technically it was around 4 and a half but we would have to stop by at different places and go to the bathroom and do all those kinds of things. 

I was the first to wake up. I had set an alarm for 8 am. 

I quietly got up, grabbed my clothes for the day along with my toiletries, and I walked over to the bathroom. 

Once I walked into the bathroom, turned on the light, and closed the door, I placed all of my things on the counter. 

I slid my pj's off and left them on the floor while I put on my underwear and some shorts. The shorts looked kind of vintage in a way, that was the style they were intended to look like, and they were high-waisted. I slid a thin black belt through the belt loop things and I put a bra on along with a plain black tank top. 

Once I got dressed, I picked up the pj's off of the floor and placed them onto the counter. I then washed my face, brushed my teeth, and then I brushed my hair. 

I felt like putting a little more effort into my look today so I decided to do some light makeup. 

I applied some concealer under my eyes to hide my eye bags, long with a little bit of mascara, and some highlighter. 

After all of that, I decided to just sit on my phone while I waited for the others to wake up. They told me if they didn't wake up by 9 AM that I needed to wake them up. 

After sitting on my phone for a little bit, I decided to exit the bathroom, pack all my things, and get ready for the trip. 

I walked out of the bathroom and I saw that my twin brother had woken up. 

"Hey Michael," I said as I walked over to my luggage and placed the things I had brought into the bathroom with me inside. 

"Hey," He smiled, he had clearly just woken up, "Can we go get breakfast? I'm hungry." 

"Yeah, but get dressed into normal clothes. I don't want to walk around a hotel with you wearing boxers and a random shirt." I laughed. 

"Ugh fine." He rolled his eyes as he walked over to his things to get some clothes. 

Once my brother got dressed and ready for the day, we grabbed one of the key cards and walked out of the hotel room. 

Breakfast was complimentary at the hotel we were staying at. Michael had decided to get a bagel with cream cheese and some orange juice while I made one of those amazing hotel waffles and some apple juice. 

"Are you excited for Chicago?" Michael asked once we sat down at a little table by a window. 

"Yeah, I'm nervous though. I have to check out some apartments while I'm there." I said as I looked out the window to see the hotel pool and the Gateway Arch

"Don't worry, you'll find something just right for you." He smiled as he took a bite of his bagel. 

"I hope so," I said as I picked up my cup of juice and drank some. 

We continued to talk as we ate breakfast. At some point, Calum joined us. I think he got up and assumed that we were eating so he got dressed and walked over to where the breakfast was served. 

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