unknown feeling

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Vida behaves like a kid and really enjoys her life and jokes but she is a really nurturing person. She cares for everyone she knows in this world which is a lot.

I just stayed in my room for some time. I turned my head towards the opposite side of the entrance. I saw Vida walking with Marina. Vida sat with her on the edge of the island and told her about the seas which she was going to rule and the creatures who would follow her. For some time, my eyes were glued on Vida. i stood up and walked towards the end of the wall. i could see Vida, but she couldnt from outside.

I could hear my heart flutter for an instance when i saw her laugh. I commanded myself to control and just moved away from the wall. I lay down on my bed thinking about her again. i licked my lip. all the time we spent together was moving in my head. i wanted to stop it, but i couldnt.

what is this that i am stuck in??? 

i got frustrated, so i put on a new shirt and coat. then, i ran outside the cave with my skates. i needed to refresh my mind, infact reboot it. so, i will switch it off and then turn it on. i walked closer to the sea and took a deep breath. i froze a little part of the sea and wore my skates.

ok Jay, now divert your mind. think about something, anything.

i began humming a song as i skated around the ice in a circle. i was interupted by someone clearing their throat. i looked at the person. she was smiling at me. i saw her holding skates in her hands, "can i join?" Vida asked.


"sure." i said and mentally slapped myself. she wore her skates and came beside me.

we both skated in silence. i dont know when it became a competition. we were laughing while skating in a circle. i felt really good, it was a weirdly soothing feeling. i put my hands in my coats pocket and we both began skating shoulder to shoulder again. i would look at her from the corner of my eye. i could not stop myself from looking at her.

after sometimes, she was back skating in front of me. she looked at me straight in the eye but did not say anything. we just stared at each other. 

suddenly, she lost her balance because of a small ice rock. she was about to fall and my reflex made an invisible carpet in mid air. she fell on it on her back. i was so distracted that i forgot to put brakes on my skates and i fell on her.

oh god, why me!!!

i was basically on Vida floating in mid air. all i could see right now was her eyes. we were that close. i was suddenly very nervous. i dont know why but i felt very, warm. i pushed myself up but i couldnt exactly stand. my feet were on the ground but my hands were on the carpet. ok, now i was literally burning. my feet were on fire.

Vida felt the warmth and said, "Jay, i hope you realise that we are on ice and you are on fi......" she could complete her sentence as the ice below my feet cracked and we splashed in water. i pushed myself above and climbed the island. i was soaked in water, and so was Vida.

i stood up and squeezed the water from my hair. i was expecting a lecture from Vida but she just shook her head and...laughed. i could not stop myself from joining her, and i just burst out laughing. Vida said she will go and change and she left. i entered my cave to change too.

i heard my four friends on the wall talking to...marissa? thats strange.

Avril said, “so, what’s between Vida and Jay?” she sounded curious. we are not dating!

Marissa knew I was listening. But yet she siad, “Vida is Jay’s alleged crush.” I had no clue what she was talking about.

Ro said, “Well that is good. I can’t believe that they don’t know it.” she shook her head. what is there to know?

Marissa replied a little louder this time, “Jay is just too scared to admit it and Vida is too naïve to see it.”i could feel her smirking. there is nothing to admit! what should i admit?

Rin asked curiously, “Scared of what?”

Marissa sighed and said, “I can’t tell you that, sorry. I can just say, god bless them. They are the best for each other. They just need to realize that.” I don’t know what Marissa was trying to tell me but it was definitely something serious. and i am back to my thoughts!!!!

ro, rin and avril said goodnight and left for the ship to sleep. i changed into dry clothes and went next to marissa. i got tons of questions. 

i sat on my usual spot and marissa was next to me. my legs were hanging freely down the wall. marissa sighed and said, "so, Vida is back, huh?"

i replied sarcastically, "Unfortunately." i chuckled. 

she looked at me and said, "so huch much time has it been?"

i furrowed my eyebrows and said, "umm, one day.....she just came this morning!"

she shook her head and said, "i am not talking about that silly. i am talking about you liking her."

i stared at her, "i thought she was just my 'alleged' crush." i said with air quotes. "i dont like her like that."

"i am not blind Jay! i saw how you started burning when you were on top of her. usually girls blush, but you were on fire!" she said in a duh tone. "You should just talk to her." she suggested.

i raised my eyebrow and said, "wow, you are too openminded to be a grandmother of triplets!"

she smirked and said, "and you are too old to be single."

i rolled my eyes and said, "i am still confused." she just sighed after that. i begged her not to tell anyone and she said yes.

then it suddenly struck me, Vida has super hearing too......what if she heard our talk? marissa was smart. she talked about this only after vida had left for her hunt.

but my thoughts were more messed up right now!!!! do i like Vida???


hiii guyz!!!

firstly, i want to thank everyone of you for 250 reads!!!! you guyz are amazing!!!!!

secondly. how are you guyz liking Vida???

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