Porch Step

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          It had been a pretty rough day at school for Julie Molina, since it had been a year since Julie's mom Rose had passed. It had been especially hard on Julie, she was the closest to her mom. She had always been ever since she was little when she would run into her moms bedroom at night to sleep with her because she had a nightmare. Even when her mom was in the hospital Julie would sing to her. Loosing her mom was the hardest thing she had to face over that past year. She would spend all night crying for months on end until she felt like there was nothing left to cry. After school she usually would go up to her room and lay there for what felt like hours. However today was different she decided to go sit outside for a bit and watch the rain fall. She plugged in her headphones and turned on her playlist, and watched the rain droplets fall from the sky. She hugged her knees close to her chest and embraced the chilly summer evening. 


         I sat there watching the rain for a little bit, I needed this right now I just had to get away from my family for a bit. They always ask me every day how I'm feeling or if I'm okay. I just really missed my mom I needed her most more then anyone in my life. Just imagine loosing your best friend the person you loved so much. There was nothing we could've done to try and save her, I tried my hardest to try and nothing was gonna help. I watched her take her last breath, I wasn't intending to and I didn't want to. I was laying on her bed right next to her and we were singing together. I will be honest it was really really really hard to see her like that but I knew I had to be there for her. We were singing and I started tearing up, when the song was coming to an end she said I love you Julie. She took her last breath with her hand  in my hand, I couldn't bring myself to the fact she died I couldn't do anything about it. I didn't want to do anything else but to lay there with her and hug her forever. I was crying now, when I was interrupted by a ear piercing screech that sounded like a tire. I looked up and saw a boy on his bike driving by with what seemed like a guitar on his back he drove by then stopped. Oh no did he see me, he started driving back towards me. 

"hey" The boy said, he sounded really sincere and sweet. He had brown hair, caramel hazel eyes that we big, he was kinda tall, and he had a tee-shirt on but the sleeves were cut off, weird.

"Hey" I said sniffling, his smile fell a little he must have known I was crying.

"Hey hey whats wrong" He said, for some reason this was very comforting. It made my stomach do flips. Do I tell him what actually happened or lie? 

"It's- today is exactly a year since my mom died" I said sniffling, I knew this guy was gonna be nice to me, he seemed so helpful and caring to others. 

"I'm sorry I know it hurts I know you'll get through it, here may I sing for you?"the boy said,  he started humming a tune to a song and singing very softly. It was very calming, soothing almost this made me feel better a lot. After the song ended he didn't say anything but pull me into a hug. I barely even knew this guy and yet and he changed my life.

"Thank you that meant a lot" I managed to say still in his hold.

"Anytime, I-I never caught your name" He stuttered

"I'm Julie" I said still whispering I didn't want to break the mood.

"Okay Jules my name is Luke" Luke said

"Jules" I said, no one had ever called me that but my mom before It fitted him that he called me it.

" yeah is that okay?" He asked smiling at me, he tucked one of my curls behind my ear. His touch was so soft against my skin.

"Its perfect I was just shocked my mom used to call me it but its okay coming from you" I said smiling back at him.

"Good uh- could I maybe um get your number so we can keep in touch?" Luke asked

"yeah here, so where were you headed before you saw me" I said typing my number into his phone, after I was done I looked up at him and he seemed upset. 

"I got in a fight with my parents, I told them I wanted to be in a band but they didn't like the idea and I needed to get away I was gonna stay at my friends house but then I saw you and thought It would be nice to you and its late now and idk where my-" Luke was rambling now, I felt so bad I was throwing my problems at him and I didn't even stop to ask him how he was.

"hey I'm sorry about your parents some times they just don't understand and you know my dad wouldn't mind you staying in the guest room if your okay with that I don't want you to be left out alone like this" I said , I knew my dad wouldn't mind he was always so cool with people staying over.

"Oh no its okay i don't want to interrupt you and your dad" Luke said

"no your not interrupting Its okay I insist you stay were about to eat dinner anyway" I said.

"Well okay if you insist I wouldn't mind staying with you and your dad if its okay with him" Luke replied. I took his hand and pulled him into my house where my dad was standing. He saw he was soaked and admittedly look worried and shocked at the same time.

"Dad this is Luke, he got in a fight with his parents and I was wondering if he could stay here for the night in the guest room?" I told my dad and completely forgetting I was still holding Luke's hand.  He agreed and I took him upstairs to show him where the guest room. 

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