The glade

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(Y/N P.O.V)

I wake, not like usual though. I wake on a cold floor with nothing but darkness and what seems to be boxes around me. I lace my fingers on the floor and find myself sitting in a cage. I sit there, with the most largest headache wondering , where am I? Suddenly a large image flashes into my mind it's a word. I yell it at the top of my lunges " (Y/N)!" I try to stand then feel anger rise up into me as I smash my head on the roof of the cage. I rub my head and lie back down.

I sit for maybe 1 hour and begin to search the boxes around me and find an apple. I bite into it, loving the taste as it explodes into my mouth. I eat it as fast as I can and try not to eat to much more. But its too late and I end up causing myself to vomit and soon a horrible smell fills the air.
After I become bored and decide to sleep.

Slowly opening my eyes a massive ray of light bursts through what feels like never ending darkness. I see three boys. They wear similar clothes and all look pretty cute. The boy to my right has dark brown hair that isn't really styled at all. The boy to my left seems slightly Asian with his hair styled to stay upright. The boy right in front of me, with blond hair and brown eyes, seems to be stepping back as if shocked at what he sees. I then see his mouth move he says, "it's a girl."
I stand up at look at the three of them and blurt out "leave me alone!" I go to get out of the cage but am pulled to the ground, and the impact of my head hitting the floor is so painful I almost cry. looking down at me the Asian boy stairs at my face, looking infuriated. The blond haired boy then pushes him out the way and gestures his hand out. I hesitate not knowing what he might do, but then grasp it anyway, and feel the most warm amazing feeling rush through me like a hurricane. I then see him, he has dimples and adorable hair that flops over his face. He stairs into my eyes and says "Welcome to the Glade."

Hey. This is gonna be the first story I've done on wattpad so I really hope you readers enjoy it and I promise to try and update everyday. Also I wanna know what you guys think so comment below! Other than that you people are awesome! Cya

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