Sorry I didn't get to upload last night! My server crashed :/ Anyway...I hope ya'll like this! :)
Dedication goes to: 1DHGandHP
Picture at the side is of Eli.
Song at the side is You Found Me.
Fan, Comment, Vote! :)
x, Hilda
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17. EliNoah’s POV
Sam went to get cotton candy whilst I sat on the grass, calmly plucking out the greenest parts I could. Everywhere there were little kids laughing, literally rolling in the grass with a twinkle in their eye of happiness, joy and such. It made me slightly depressed so I’d laid down and knew eventually, Sam would find me.
She had eyes like a freaking hawk so she should find me easily.
I stared out into nothing, at the blue sky that reminded me so much of that fateful day that I’d lost Blake Deveraux. As much as I liked Sam nothing could ever replace the relationship…or the relationship I’d wanted to have with Blake. It made me guilty—the amount of times I thought about Blake, at night, before I went to bed and the morning, when I woke up beside Sam. It made me feel awful but Sam always reminded me, no matter how jealous she was of Blake, that she knew Blake was my first love—and she always told me, ‘first loves are irreplaceable’.
That was the thing about Sam. She was too honorable for her own good. I knew I was too good for her but she was good for me—at least for now. She kept me well grounded and I’d finally begun to socialize with her around. Slowly, I was becoming the Noah I was before I’d met Blake—less snarkier, less cocky but almost the same.
I huffed, needing some fresh air then realized I was already in the park after our trip to Central Park Zoo.
Checking my watch, I realize that Sam’s been gone for more than ten minutes and sighed knowing New York City must have offered her a cotton candy stand that had a long queue. Suddenly, someone fell on top of me, my breath catching in my throat sharply as the body landed on my stomach. I tried to sit up but failed at doing so when suddenly the hard body apologized, a soft melodic tone on their voice.
“I’m rewwy sowwy.” It said.
As I looked up, I felt my breath catch again. I was never a type to like children—except family—but I got used to children because of Sam and began to like them, like their little smiles and the innocent twinkle in their eyes that also showed mischief as well as an unknown happiness.
I gave a small smile to the child who stared at me with familiar, green-blue eyes. They reminded me of someone’s eyes but I couldn’t quite put my finger into it. The kid began to back away and fell beside me, sitting on the grass with a pout on his face and glass-streaked eyes.
He was going to cry.
“Hey, hey, kid. Don’t cry.” I pleaded, smiling at him. I couldn’t exactly pat him or touch him seeing as I didn’t know him and his mother or whatever guardian he had must have would think badly of me.
“I’m sowwy if I howt you.” He said, tears flooding down his face. “I’ll be good, I pwomise.” He said, beginning to rub his tear soaked face.
“Hey!” I said softly, but enough to catch his attention. He was so cute! I wasn’t one to ponder on children, their looks or attitudes, even if I did like them but seriously, the dimples on his cheeks showed even when he was crying!
He looked up, eyes haunting me—calling me, really and I wondered why but didn’t think to why. “My name is Noah.” I said introducing myself. “What’s your name?”

His Lovely Delinquent *EDITING*
Mystery / ThrillerGood boy. Bad girl. Classic story of good boy falls for bad girl? Maybe not. If people knew who she really was, they would pity her. It's the one thing that she will never allow to happen. He can see past her bad girl exterior, the barriers she's...