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*knock knock*

"Come in." I said. The door opened and I saw ron. "Sit. i'm almost done getting ready" I looked through my truck for my two skirts. "The blue one or the pink one." I held up both of the skirts. I knew it really didnt matter what skirt i was wearing because my robe would cover it but i didnt care.

"Blue." he replied. I slipped the blue skirt over my shorts and put on my shoes on.

"Come on.'' I opened the door for him to go first, then I closed it behind me. We started walking down the stairs to the common room. "You excited?"

"Kind of. Its exciting for other people to come stay at our school but i'm still mad i cant enter the torment." he said, as we walked out of the common room.

"Yea i get what you mean. I don't know if Hermione told you already but after the champions get chosen, i need to talk to all of you guys."

today was the day i was going to tell everybody the truth. I was really nerves that they were going to think less of me but if they do that means they are not really my friends. I'm more nervous to tell ron because i really like him and i want him to like me too. This could change everything.

"Yea she told me but whos all coming." he asked

"Harry, Hermione,Fred,George,Dean,Seamus,Neville and you." we entered the greathall and i took my seat next to Ron, Hermione was sitting across from me next to harry. I started looking around and it seemed like we already missed the part where beauxbatons and drumstarg. I was really looking forward to it but it's okay.

"It's krum!" Ron whispered yelled. I turned around to the slytherins table and saw Krum sitting there.

"Krum? Whos that?" i asked. I already knew who he was but i acted like i didn't.

"Victor krum the best quidditch player and he's only 18." Ron explained.

"Let the feast begin." Dumbdore said. lots of food started to appear on the table. I started to fill my plate up, I took a bite of the chicken and almost spit it out.

"What wrong.?" ron asked

"It has no flavor." I said.

"Yes it does the house elf's seasoned it with salt and pepper, like they always do.'' Harry said. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Anyways what did we miss." I asked.

"Well dumbledore said that the people can put their names in the goblet of fire until 5pm. Then at dinner they will announce who gets chosen." Hermione explained.


"Come on y/n, just tell us now. You know i don't like surprised " Fred whined.

"no. and it's not going to work." i pointed to the potions and both fred and george hands.

"It's not going to work because dumbledore to smart." george mickmed.

"I don't sound like that. My voice isnt that high.'' I pouted.

"Yea is it." Fred said.

"Whatever comes on." I rolled my eyes. They both started running in and everybody started cheering.

"we did it lads."

"Cook it up this morning."

"It's not going to work." Hermione sang.

"I already told them, they don't listen.'' I shook my head.

"Ready fred."

"Ready george."

"Bottoms up." they said in usinion. They drank the bottles then put their name in the goblet. Everybody started cheering. Then flames started going everywhere and pushed them out of the circle. Both of them started growing gray hair and a beard.

"You said."

"You said." they both started tackling each other.

"Enough." i yelled at them. I grabbed both of their hands so they could stand on their feet. "Stop fighting. I told you it wouldn't work." George open his mouth to speak the hall but the greathall broke into cheer again. I look to see what there we cheering about and i saw cedric diggory putting his name in the goblet of fire. My knees felt weak this was my first time seeing Cedric i've been here for about 2 months but never saw him before.

"y/n you have drool on your mouth." fred joked.

"Shut up." I hit him on his chest.

"If you like him so much then just ask him out." George said.

"He's attractive, like really attractive but I have eyes for somebody else." I told them.

"Kind of obvious who you have eyes for. Ronniekins." fred teased

"How did you know..... I mean i don't like him."

"Yea keep telling yourself that."


Everybody started checking their watches, we only had a couple of seconds until to goblet of fire makes their decisions.

"Any second now." Lee Jordan whispered.

The flames in the goblet of fire started turning red. Sprakis began to fly from it, a tongue of flames shot into the air. A charred piece of parchment fluttered out of it. Dumbdlore caught the piece of paper and opened it.

"The champion for drumstarg, is victor krum." he said in a clear loud voice. The great hall started cheering. After the cheering died down the goblet of fire turned red again and a piece of paper come out.

"The beauxbatons champion is fleur Delacour." he said.

"She a veela." ron whispered to me, he seemed so memorized by her. I was really jealous of fleur,i don't know if it was the fact that i wanted to date her or be her. The fire turned red once again and dumbledore took a piece of parchment out.

"The hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory."

I stood up and started clapping. I was really happy that Cedric was the champion and not some slytherin. The the flame turned red again, everybody started gasping. Dumbledore took the paper and read it, he seemed like he was really shocked.

"Harry potter." he yelled. Harry looked really confused as so did everybody else. As he started going up everybody called him a cheat and saying he isnt old enough. The hall went silent, once the flames started red for the 6th time.

"That not suppose to happen." i whispered to myself. I was really confused i didn't know what was happening.

"y/n l/n." dumbdlore said. I started looking around the room trying to see if anybody else had the same name as me because there's no way that I got chosen. I'm not old enough to enter and i didnt put my name in. I got up from my seat slowly, everybody's eyes were on me.

"She's a cheat." draco yelled out loud.

Why did I get chosen?

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