Theo Woods POV
TW: Depression
Theos door slams open. His mom screaming at the top of her lungs to get him out of bed. He lay there motionless, upset, recovering from the night before. He spent the entirety of the previous night sobbing into his pillow, half drunk and hating himself. Theo was a different man not too long ago. He was sober and mostly stable. He describes himself as a shell of a human.
He was only 17, he had lushious brown hair that were irresistable not to play with, blue eyes that captured you in its essence. He was tall, a chiseled chin and broad shoulders that made him somewhat look like the guy the girl ends up with in every 2000s rom-com to date. He is basically a straight white cis male, except a few aspects which he refuses to show others.
He jumps into the shower blasting music from his phone. Theo was one of the most popular guys in his old school. He was good looking. I mean like wow. He got drunk, he was funny, he was the quarterback of the football team; really just the things that make people popular. He hated who he was outside the walls of his room. He was a man that his father was before he left. He hated that but he needed the attention and drama so he wouldn't focus on home life. The water ran down his body. This was all he focused on. All he could. The water massaging his body. After a few minutes he got out and dried himself, brushed his teeth and changed into some baggy jeans, a Pulp Fiction t-shirt and grabbed his quarterback jacket. He hugged it remembering the memories he had with it.
He sat there eating breakfast ( egg whites and a milkshake ) enjoying his last few minutes of being himself before being sent to his new school. He liked to pretend that the reason he left was because of financial issues. Deep down he knew it was all him. This persona he played to be liked and destroyed at the same time. This was his life. A life filled with lies.
He hopped into his car, rethinking about what happened just a few months ago.
November 2020 : He sat in the boys locker-room tying his shoes. When one of the boys barged through the doors and tackled him to the ground. He repeated the most awful slurs he can't even say in his head. Even though they were true. Out of outrage he pushes him off and beats him into a coma.
He sat there driving, balling his eyes out that he couldn't even see the road, until he arrived at his new school. He sat there a few minutes after, collecting his pride. He pulled his arms through his quarterback jacket, slipped in some earphones and walked towards his orientation room. Not knowing how much these 24 hours would affect him.
He walked up the stairs, each step chipping a piece of his personality away to be this 'character'. He opened the door there was no one inside. He sat down and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes indulging in his music. The music was a way to diverge away from everything.
His mother, his old school and his dad.... . He falls into a deep state of his own false reality. The trees are grass and the grass are trees. People don't exist in this universe. He was all by himself in this huge wonderland. He got to make all the choices and in this one he was happy. He had finally realised who he wanted to be.
A girl walked into the room. He fixed himself up as to not embarrass himself. As if she could read his thoughts. She sat down diagonal from him. It looked as if she had lost something. She opened her bag and he noticed something suspicious that made him scared. She looked at him and quickly closed her bag. They sat in silence for a while.
Until, a boy who ran quite feminine stepped into the room, his face covered in blood told me the strangest story.
Детектив / ТриллерThey always say the first day of a new school is bad. Well, was yours played out with a sacrificial cult, brainwashed army, death and guns? Highly doubt so. This is the story of Dawn, Theo and Calvins First Day of school. I mean how bad can it be. I...