Welcome to Zodiac High
Adam Aquarius-male January 20th- February 18th
Pat Pisces-male February 19th- March 20th
Aaron Aries-male March 21st- April 19th
Thomas Taurus-male April 20th- May 20th
Garvin and Grayson Gemini-male May 21st- June 20th
Before we begin this what Coach Rocket looks like.
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~Coach Rocket POV~ "No problem." Spirit and Charlotte say. Then they start giggling "Why did you copy me?" Spirit asks "No didn't, you copied me." Charlotte disagrees "You're so adorable." Spirit blushes and squeezes Charlotte's cheeks "So are you." Charlotte agrees. "Ship!" Aaron and Pat squeal "Shut up!" Spirit yells while blushing. Charlotte laughs. I blow my whistle loudly "Let's get ready for track day." I say "Yes!" Violet, Aaron and Lydia squeal "Thomas you can sit out because of your injury." I mention. Thomas doesn't look too happy about it "There's always next year." Violet says trying to cheer him up. Then he smiles. "First up long jump." I announce. Pretty much everyone is upset except Aaron and Violet who are excited. "Line up." I say. Everyone lines up behind Sara. Of course the Sagittarius goes first. "Let's go Sara." I say. She runs then jumps up high but makes a foot "You got a foot." I tell her. Sara storms off. "Come on Carlos." I encourage. He jumps and makes three feet and two inches. "Three feet and two inches." I announce. He runs to the bench to sit next to Thomas and hugs him. "Capricorn you're up." I say. She starts off runs then walks and jumps. Capricorn made two feet. "Two feet." I say to Capricorn. She goes to her bench group impressed by herself. "Come on down Grayson." I say. He runs really fast then jumps and makes four feet. "Four feet." I announce impressed by what he got "Pretty good but not as good as Violet." Grayson says. "Speaking of Violet. It's her turn." I announce epically. She runs really fast and jumps makes four feet five inches. "Four feet five inches." I say proud "Yes." Violet says happy. She runs to her bench group. "Pat your turn." I tell him. He runs fast then jumps and makes four feet four inches. "Four feet four inches." I say proudly "So close to beating Violet." Pat says sadly "So close but yet so far." Violet states "No need to be rude." He says crossing his arms "I was saying a quote but not trying to be rude. But we're friends aren't we?" Violet asks "Ya but you're amazing." Pat says hugging Violet. "Ok that's enough." Violet says getting out of the hug. "Class dismissed but ladies stay here because I need to talk with you. Boys go shower but next class we will be talking." I say.