Sing me to Sleep

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Love Interest: Goodboyhalo

Genre: Fluff

Extra Details: Requested by AlphaDaniela_07 Thank you for requesting!

Extra, Extra, Details: You can't sleep because of your insomnia, so you go to Good for a solution.

You flipped again on your bed, the blanket twisting around your legs.

You opened your eyes and groaned.

Curse your insomnia.

You sat up and threw the hot blanket off you, sighing and rubbing your eyes.

"Fucking bitch." You whispered, untangling the bottom of the blanket and standing up once you were done.

You stared angrily at the bed. All you wanted was a good nights sleep.


You looked towards your closed door, a small blossom of hope making a appearance in your chest.

You quickly walked over to your door and opened it, leaving your room and heading over to Goods.

You knocked on the door and you didn't even have to wait. Good opened the door and welcomed you inside, closing the door behind you.

"I can't sleep." You said, hugging yourself while starting at the floor.

Good hummed and walked over to you, rubbing your back.

He sat down on the bed and looked up at you, you giving him a confused look.

He patted the spot next to him, you getting the idea.

You sat down and was shocked when Good pulled you onto his lap.


"Be happy we're dating, or else I wouldn't be letting you on my lap." He whispered.

You smiled and quickly got comfortable, eager to know what happens next.

Good started humming a tone of a song, your song.

"I've got guns in my head and they won't go. Spirits in my head and they won't go."

His silent voice echoed throughout the house, as you and him were the only one awake.

"I've got guns in my head and they won't go. Spirits in my head and they won't go."

You closed your eyes, a smile on your lips.

"I've been looking at the stars tonight. And I think, oh, how I miss that bright sun."

"I'll be a dreamer 'til the day I die." He sang as he started to play with your hair. "But they say, oh, how the good die young."

He chuckled, sending shivers down your back.

"And we're all strange, and maybe we don't wanna change." He stopped playing with your hair and rubbed your arm. "I've got guns in my head and they won't go. Spirits in my head and they won't go."

You sighed, sleep finally starting to take you out.

"I've got guns in my head and they won't go. Spirits in my head and they won't go."

His voice died down and he went quiet, noticing that you were snoring quietly.

He smiled.

"Good night, my love."

He continued to hum the song, rocking back and forth before falling asleep himself.

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