Chapter 8

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P.O.V Tommy's

"Dream, the English boys aren't used to the heat." Sapnap joked while walking alongside Dream and George on our way to the beach. "Dude! It is like Antarctica there. You can't blame us!" George said.

Me and Tubbo lightly laugh. "You guys just leave in the Sahara Desert." I commented. "Well at least I can withstand the heat and not complain like a certain 5 foot British boy." Sapnap laughed.

"I hate you." George deadpanned. "Aww Gogy, you love me." Sapnap said. Dream laughs a little walking slightly ahead of the two for them to bicker.

"So, where are we going?" I asked. "Well, right now we are just trying to find a spot on the beach to set up at. Then just relax on the beach for a bit." Dream explained. I nodded and looked around.

After a few minutes I spotted a decent spot. "How about over there." I said point next to the Volleyball net. Dream looked over then smiled. "It looks great." he said before heading over. Eventually George and Sapnap stopped their little banter and came over to the spot as well.

"Are you two done?" Dream asked with a small grin. George rolls his eyes before helping Dream as Sapnap laughs at them.

"Hey, Dream how about a match?" Sapnap asked motioning to the volleyball net. "You're on." Dream said. "You guys have fun with that." George said sitting down to watch. "Fine then me and Tubbo versus you and Tommy." Sapnap said.

Dream looked at me to confirm and I nodded. "Great! Come on!" Tubbo said.

We walked over to the net and Sapnap tossed us the ball. "You can have first serve." he said.

Dream handed the ball to me with a smile.

About twenty minutes passed and we finished the game. Sapnap and Tubbo winning.

"So, what do you have planned while me and Tubbo are still here?" I asked. I was kind of dreading going back home but I need to eventually.

"Like I said Toms. You can stay as long as you want. I know you don't want to go back home. So, you don't have to worry about leaving unless you really want to." Dream said. "But, I don't want to feel like a burden towards you." I said.

"Toms you aren't a burden. I enjoy having you around." he said. "Sorry for putting a damper on things." I said. "Tommy listen to me. You aren't. I understand that your mind isn't in the right place and is making you think about these things. I'm here to talk with you any time. Even Sapnap and George will talk to you. We are here for you." he said. "Yeah Tommy, we are here for you." Sapnap said playfully, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

I smile a little before nodding. "Now come on! I'll race you to the water!" he said. I laughed a little and ran after him with Tubbo.

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