Chapter 12

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P.O.V: Tommy's

I sat at the island in the kitchen while Dream was talking to me and George. Tubbo was in the bedroom, while Sapnap was streaming in his room. Me and Tubbo haven't spoken a word to each other since the incident. Which was three days ago.

I was staring at the bandages that laid against my arm. They sting at random times, but there isn't really anything I can do.

"How is Tubbo doing? Is he still mad at me? Should I talk to him?"

"Tommy!" I was pulled out of my thoughts and looked up at Dream. "Huh?" I asked. "Are you okay?" he asked. I looked between him and George then nodded.

"Yeah I'm okay, sorry I zoned out. Anyways what did you ask?" I asked. "I was asking how you were doing, are you sure you are okay?" Dream asked, he looked worried..

"Yeah, I'm positive." I said. He gently nodded as I moved over to the couch and laid down. I felt Patches jump onto the couch with Cat as they curled up with me gently purring pulling me into the realm of sleep.

"You are pathetic, no one likes you, not even your brothers. Even Tubbo left you for them. Everyone else will eventually.."

"What are you talking about? My brothers saved me." I said trying to convince myself this was all some sort of nightmare.

Suddenly I was in the hospital. "Huh? Where am I?" I asked. "Where it all started."

I walked over to a room and gently opened the door. I saw my body laying there in a bed, beaten and bruised. With Phil to my left.

He leaned against the chair looking exhausted. "Any news about him?" Wilbur walked in with Techno behind him. "The doctor said he'll be unconscious for a few days, maybe longer. They don't know yet though..." Phil answered quietly.

"Don't worry Phil, he'll wake up soon." Techno said. "Why are you showing me this?" I asked.

"I'm not showing you. You are showing yourself. Or at least you want to believe what happened."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that conversation probably never happened. You want to believe in them, but why should you?"

I stood there quietly before it faded to darkness. "What you have are only memories. I can't show you what really happened." I sat there as the voice vanished into thin air.

I slowly came out of the dream world and blinked a few times and looked around. When I looked at the clock I noticed I had been asleep for three hours and I felt like shit. I had no motivation to get up though whatsoever.

"Tommy?" a voice brought me out of my thoughts when I saw George crouch next to me. "Dinner is done if you would like some." he said with a faint smile. His tone was gentle and calm. Something about it made me feel relaxed.

I slowly nod sitting up from the couch and standing up, and following him to the table. I looked down as I sat next to Dream. Tubbo sat across from me while Sapnap sat at the end of the table. while everyone enjoyed their food, while I only played with it.

"Hey, I need you to eat a little Toms." Dream gently whispered in my ear. I looked over at him and then turned back to my plate and took a few bites. This has been so awkward...

"This is by far one of the most awkward dinners I have ever had." Sapnap jokes. "Maybe it wouldn't be so awkward if Tommy would quit being dramatic." Tubbo commented. "Dramatic?! My own brother and my father figure replaced me! How do you want me to feel?!" I yelled.

I noticed the three adults look between themselves then back at us. "Ranboo wasn't the problem! It was you that was the problem. Always complaining about something!" Tubbo said. "I never said Ranboo was the problem!" I yelled.

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