9. Computers.

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Toris sat on the opposing chair, seeming to be bored. The Housekeeper seemed less amused with this duty- babysitting an angel- sipping his tea with a mild expression. The long feathers from his ears occasionally twitched towards the angel, and eventually Alfred understood that they could mark out every action he made, like a second set of eyes.

"Don't touch that," Toris snapped, as Alfred reached out to touch one of the floating candles that had wandered over, "you'll get wax everywhere."

Alfred almost wanted to smack it out of the sky after that, but he left it be, watching it float through the air as light as a butterfly. He missed butterflies. There weren't any that he had seen in the North when he was still a General.

No! He was a General. A great General of Light.

Toris' longest feather quirked in his direction for a moment. Alfred wondered if he could read minds, and got worried. Yet there was no reaction from Toris, which either meant he was very good at hiding his expression or that he couldn't read minds. He watched him for a moment before the demon looked over to him.

Even though he could tell that he was trying to tell him to stop staring, he still looked kind. Even when he was trying to brush him off he looked like someone who couldn't hurt a soul.

Demons are killers, demons are monsters. He slammed his lips shut to make sure he didn't say it out loud, repeating it in his mind over and over again until he felt a twinkle of belief.

Someone else entered. They pushed up their glasses, before walking over to Toris.

"Where is the Head of House?" this new demon said. He had small egg-colored horns coming out of his temples. His hair was cropped short, which probably meant he wasn't from around here- his accent added to Alfred's predictions.

"Braginski isn't in right now," he replied, "what do you need?"

"Someone who knows how to fix a quantum computer, generation three," this new demon said, "I only know how to fix a one or two. Three is pushing my knowledge."

"Well I can't-"

"I can fix quantum computers," Alfred blurted out. It was true, he could. All the way up until six generation, and he was so bored, why not? Toris gave him a look he couldn't quite describe. It was an inch of respect, but in the way that a person looked proudly at their cat after they figure out how to play with the new toy.

"Nevermind, I can help with that," he pushed himself up onto his feet. Alfred watched him for a moment, before following behind. The new demon smiled at him, holding out a hand.

"Eduard," the demon said, "I take it your Alfred?"

"Yes," he replied, nodding a bit. It took him a moment to shake the others hand- he had forgotten he was supposed to do that. Toris rolled his eyes.

He was led through a series of corridors before they came to a room. Eduard opened the door with a brass key, a dark room being shown. There was a light in the center, and the demon turned it on before the other two entered. In the center of the room was indeed a quantum computer, an error code showing on it's main screen and coding defaults being shown on six of the others. The rest were either fully black, red, or white.

A toolbox was on the ground where the computer opened up. Alfred walked forward immediately, before studying the code that was showing, and the error messages. Then he bent down and stuck his head into the lower compartment.

It was dark, but he could still tell what was where. He pulled out a set of cords, shutting the computer off so he could work with it safely. He couldn't withstand a shock with these bracelets keeping his magic at bay.

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