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Watching my cousin (sister...sort of) with my ex boyfriend giggling at the dinner table, holding hands underneath it whilst simultaneously playing footsie (I would know, considering Sara thought my foot was Jared's for a solid ten seconds before I asked her what the hell she was doing) was undeniably a form of torture that no human should ever be subjected to, and yet, there I was, taking it like a convict in the prison for scorned ex lovers.

I had expected there to be more guests present at dinner considering the multitude of cars parked outside when I had arrived, but I brushed it off as I grew distracted with dinner.

My phone beeped and chirped away on the table, though I kept it overturned because I always thought it rude to be on your phone at the dinner table.

"Dad, what have you been doing to keep busy?"

"Oh, you know me.  I've been mentoring some boys in the basketball program at your school, actually.  Only those who've shown real and true progress, though."

"That sounds amazing for you dad, and perfect for you.  I didn't tell anyone I'm your daughter at the gym, by the way.  I didn't want anyone treating me differently."

His eyebrows raised in confusion but Kara cut in before it could get awkward, because knowing my father, he would've most likely taken offense to the fact that I didn't scream it from every rooftop who my successful father was.

"So, Virginia, tell us more about this play that you're in."

That came from Kara, who had been completely stunned at the fact that I was pursuing a career in the performing arts.  Well, she wasn't alone in that, actually. 

Up until senior year, I had been painfully shy, never once sharing my love of music with anyone in my family, but it wasn't until Sara had dragged me along to karaoke that I finally let it all out and I hadn't looked back since.  It had always been my dream, but I had never put that dream out there in the universe, scared that it would jinx me, but saying it aloud to my dad was the best choice I could've made.

He fully supported my decision to major in theater, so long as I double majored in something else down the line in case that fell through.  I still had no idea what that second major would be, but I told dad finance just to make him happy.

"It's going well, practices are every day after classes.  I auditioned for a side character but our director told me any part I wanted I could have.  We were practicing today and I couldn't get my notes right for this one so I swapped parts with Hazel since she was nervous about the part, so I get a solo now."

"That's wonderful.  We'll all have to buy tickets, you know your father will be in the front row," Kara beamed, reaching over and grabbing my father's hand.  That was...weird...  They didn't usually show any public displays of affection, considering their relationship was completely platonic, or so I thought.  I didn't know if I could handle my dad being romantically involved with my aunt...okay that sounded gross, with his dead wife's sister...no, okay, that was even worse. 

They weren't together, as far as I knew.  I shook it off, as dad lobbied another question my way.

"And how was your first day on the job?  You started yesterday, right?"

"Yes, I did.  It was good, the manager, Maddie is great."

"That's it?  You didn't...meet anyone else in particular?"

What the hell was my dad hinting at?  He was leaned back in his wheelchair, hands steepled in front of him as if he were in deep contemplation.  I looked around at the table towards everyone else and noticed that they all still had their attention glued to me.

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