Timeout - Eli

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Eyes on her instead of the road ahead of us, I just couldn't help myself.

I wasn't driving, so it wasn't like I was doing anything dangerous...but staring at Virginia while she chewed on her plump bottom lip in concentration and rolled her neck on her shoulders, flicking dark as night hair behind her exposing that long and slender neck adorned with smooth, caramel skin-

that was definitely dangerous.

She had chosen to drive us back to her father's house since I'd had one beer, but while the alcohol had almost one hundred percent left my body, she wasn't taking any chances, something that I attributed to the fact that her parent's car accident had been caused due to a drunk driver, and she was especially sensitive about those kinds of things.

Flicking on the turn signal, V slowed the car to a stop at the red light, neck craning over to where I had already been staring at her. I couldn't help it, my eyes simply refused to look anywhere else, and I wasn't mad about it.

"You want to listen to something? You can be DJ for the ride."

My mouth quirked up in a half smile, almost wanting to tell her that I preferred her voice to any other's on the radio or music apps I used, but held back before I said something that would embarrass myself. She hadn't come right out and expressed her feelings for me, if she had any at all.

Sure, she'd flirted back, and we had undeniable chemistry, but that was nothing without the two of us actually acting on those elements, and in that moment, the both of us holding our breath in the confined spaces of my car, we definitely hadn't acted on anything. Yet.


Turning the Bluetooth on, I scrolled through a list of a few different songs, briefly considered 'Iris', but considering how that one usually made me tear up like a baby, I decided on the generic top hits playlist and sat back for the remainder of the hour long drive, which we were only about twenty minutes into.

"Oh my god, I love this song," she said, and I noticed it was a James Arthur song, something really depressing about a train wreck. Oh, wait. The song was actually called 'Train Wreck'.

"You love this song? It sounds like something you'd just want to cry to."

"Exactly, that's why its so good. Shh, this is the best part," she said, turning the volume up high and singing along to the chorus, making her voice higher than the man singing and then her voice did some crazy amazing things, dipping and falling so fast it was hard to catch every note, and then I was staring at her in awe as she pumped so much emotion and raw talent into the song until the very end.

"What? That's probably one of my favorite songs, don't judge me," she said, laughing at the expression I knew must've been written all over my face- pure astonishment.

"I wasn't judging, far from it," I said, blinking away the stars from my eyes that had formed just from listening to her voice. It hadn't been that long ago that I'd snuck up on her in her bedroom singing her heart out and it was just like the first time I'd heard her in the gym. No matter how many times I heard that sweet rasp filled with technique and talent, I doubted I'd ever get used to it.

And I wanted to listen to it for the rest of my life...but that was rushing things, faster than the street signs and headlights whipping past us outside my car.

"Can you play another song of his? It's called 'At My Weakest'."

I quickly typed the song in, probably as fast as I'd ever typed in my entire life, and soon the opening notes of the new song filled the speakers of the car.

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