Timeout - Eli

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A contented sigh fell past Virginia's plush, pink lips as my eyes stuttered open slowly, taking in the soft early sunshine filtering in through sheer white curtains and a body I'd dreamed of the previous night wrapped up in my arms like she was made for me. 

Raven dark hair tumbled over her pillow, back pressed to my front, I darted a gaze around her dorm room and instantly became relieved that we were alone and her roommates hadn't returned the previous night.  Or, maybe they had and had graciously slept elsewhere...

A peek of skin was showing from the blanket that was pulled up to her shoulders, but her white lacy bra was in perfect view due to my higher vantage point on the bed. 

I could still recall the feelings that flooded me upon first seeing her vulnerable and without a barrier, and though we'd only made it to second base, it still was as intimate, if not more, than full on sex with someone else.  This was different from those times, though.  This actually meant something more to me than a quick fling.  She meant more to me...

I hadn't wanted to push her any further, and I definitely didn't want to rush things anymore than we already had, so even though I desperately wanted to yank off her underwear and sink as deep into her as I could and make her scream my name just as I'd intended, I held back, wanting to savor the moment and the look of pure pleasure on her face while I finally took things further than just a kiss. 

She mumbled out something in her sleep and I smiled, unable to stop staring at her side profile and her chest rising and falling with the deep breaths of sleep.  

And then I remembered that I had to have been late for practice, especially if the sun was already coming up. 

"Shit," I whispered out, but that alone woke V from her sleep and as she stretched her arms above her and her ass accidentally pressed against me even more, I swore that I could've missed a million practices and they would all be worth it to see the shy, confused and slightly turned on expression on her face as she realized she wasn't alone, that I was more than a little excited to have woken up beside her. 

"Umm...did we really fall asleep that early last night?"

Meaning, did we actually both fall asleep at seven instead of staying up until at least midnight like I knew the both of us usually did considering her texting goodnight as late as I texted her the same sentiment? 

"Yeah, I think we did."

She shivered after I spoke, like my words had affected her just as much as my presence, but soon after, her teeth bit down on her lower lip and I had to stifle the groan building in my chest, slowly easing off the bed and onto my feet while she sat up fully, ample breasts on display in her bra, something that I wanted to snatch off her body and throw to the ground while we finished what I'd started the night before, but I knew our team coach would have my ass handed to me if I was any later than I already was. 

"I'm probably late for practice, and I'm sure the guys are wondering where I'm at.  I never...well, I never stay over with someone."

Was she about to judge me for being the world's biggest player?  She'd stopped talking to me for almost an entire week because someone had told her that I was still together somewhat with Mia, in whatever capacity the two of us had even been together in the first place, but thankfully she didn't seem phased.  

It was actually a compliment, considering that she was the first girl I'd ever fallen asleep with in my arms.  It was overwhelming, though, the fact that she meant so much to me already. 

Maybe it was my father in me.  He'd only known my mother for six months before they'd been married, and while she had turned into a completely different woman after his death, before, she'd been a loving wife and mother, attentive and sweet, caring, compassionate...

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