Chapter eleven

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A/N IMPORTANT: who should Rumor end up with? Flinn or Tyler? I want you guys to choose!...and sorry for the short chapter

Rumors p.o.v.

It was about ten in the morning when there was a knock on my trailer door (remember she's still in the circus with her friends) and when I got up to answer it I saw Flinn standing there with a huge mega-watt smile on his face "ready for our day out mate?" He asked.

I gave him a smile and told him to wait while I got dressed/ready. Finally when I was ready we started our day together and I was having so much fun! All day we walked around the circus, a park where a girl was playing her flute (*cough* like Insanity *cough*), and talked.

Soon we reached the performing stage and I had an idea "stay right here" I told him, I ran behind the curtains and found the dj table that we play the circus's music from and started play 'Crazy in Love' by Beyoncé (I'll try to put the song above).

When I walked back out Flinn grabbed my hand we started dancing around like idiots. Soon we heard somebody or some people clapping, we turned and saw Kevin, Carter, and Lilith standing there. I blush and hid my face in Flinn's chest which I'm pretty sure he liked aa they walked over "may we join you two" Lilith asked.

"Sure" Flinn answered and we all started dancing around like idiots, after a bit it was getting late and we all started walking back to our trailers to get sleep for tomorrow's show. I didn't notice it was just me and Flinn until he turned me around and looked me in the face "before I go I have to do this" before I could question what he was doing he smashed his lips to mine and before (so many befores XD) I knew it we were making out.

He pulled back, gave me a quick peck on the lips, then left. I sighed and walked the rest of the way back to my trailer, and as I was showering and getting into my pjs all I could think of was who I was going to choose. Moon Goddess why you do this?!?

-the next day right before her performance-

Today was no different with the show except that I have butterflies in my stomach and I almost never, ever have them. I looked out from behind the curtain and saw why, in the front row next to each other was Flinn and Tyler.

I shut the curtains and took a deep breathe, I quickly ran to the dj table and changed my music. Right as I got back to my spot behind the curtains the ringmaster(s) called me out to preform "now we have Rumor the fire dancer" they announced and walked off to the side.

The new music started playing and the ringmaster looked confused 'what's going on' he mouthed to me, I smiled and put a finger to my lip.

'I Love You' by OMFG (I'll try to put it above) started playing and I light my suit on fire and started doing a dance that I was saving for a special occasion, it was a mix of hip-hop and contemporary. Everyone was either dancing in their seats or had their eyes glued on me as I preformed.

I finished with a back tuck and landed in a split, the music stopped and there was silence then the audience burst into applause. I stood up, bowed, then went back stage. I hope this is worth it.

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