Chapter 1: Felix

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Felix glared out the train window, his eyes fixed on his mother and her "friend," who were standing on the platform waving at him. His dad hadn't even been gone a year, and she had already moved on. The man was infuriating. Not only did he treat Felix like a child, but he had no reservations about displaying his affections in front of Felix. On top of all that, Felix had to spend his school break with his cousin.

"Ugh," it made him sick just thinking about it. Adrien was so naive and sweet enough to give anyone a cavity. Honestly, the boy had the life experience of an infant.

He composed himself as he remembered the last time he saw his cousin. Then, reaching into his pocket, Felix drew out the twin rings, examining them with cold satisfaction. Who knew, maybe he could have some fun while he was there. He allowed himself a little smirk before returning to the book in his hands. There had to be something he could do to make the trip tolerable.

A few hours later, Felix arrived at the Paris station. To his pleasant surprise, Adrien was not there to meet him. Instead, he was greeted by Adrien's bodyguard and Natalie. They looked even more on edge than normal, Felix noted. He walked up to them with a false smile. After the bodyguard put Felix's suitcase in the trunk, they all set off for the Agreste's home in silence.

Felix lurched forward, the wind knocked out of him as Adrien's bodyguard slammed on the brakes. Right in front of them played an epic battle. Felix recognized two of the three combatants, Ladybug and Chat Noir. The other one, though, that one he had never seen before. Another one of Hawk Moth's creations most likely. The boy wore a white shirt striped with black. Three circles, one colored blue, one red, and one yellow, were placed on his chest. Felix rolled his eyes. So much drama.

"You don't have to do this, Nathaniel!" Ladybug called out from a box that had materialized out of thin air, trapping both her and the cat.

"I'm not Nathaniel anymore!" The boy shot back, "I'm Evillustrator!"

"Look, I know Marinette didn't mean to hurt you! We can work this out!" Ladybug replied.

"No! It's too late now!" His voice shook. He paused for a moment and saw Chat Noir about to use his staff to escape, "Not again!" he drew on his pad, and a heavy anvil appeared on top of the box.

For a long time, there was silence. Felix couldn't hear what Ladybug and Chat Noir were talking about, but it was clear they were making a plan. Chat Noir called upon his cataclysm, destroying the box. He then ran after Evillustrator while Ladybug retrieved her lucky charm, a sleep mask. She used her yo-yo to get up to the rooftop where Evillustrator and Chat were fighting. After narrowly dodging some spinning blades, Ladybug got behind Evillustrator and covered his eyes with the sleep mask. He panicked, drawing random scribbles on his pad for a second before being swept off his feet. Ladybug captured the akuma and restored everything to normal.

The rest of the car ride passed quickly and without incident. When they reached the Agrestes' home, Felix was again surprised not to see Adrien waiting for him by the door.

"I'm sorry, Felix. Adrien should have been down here by now. You can go ahead up to his room." Mr. Agreste said coldly before turning away and heading back to his study.

Felix went up to Adrien's room. But when he got there, it was completely empty. He searched everywhere but couldn't find him. Then, just as he was about to give up looking, he saw something black jump through the window. Quickly, he hid in the bathroom, peeking his head out just enough to see what was going on.

"Claws in," Chat Noir, or rather Adrien, said. He fell face down on his bed. A black, floating being went to a cupboard and pulled out a piece of camembert which he promptly ate.

"I don't get it, Plagg," Adrien mused as he rolled over, "It's not like Marinette to hurt people like that. I hope she's ok."

"Everyone snaps at some time," Plagg replied distractedly, "Even I have to let off some steam every century or so."

"Felix should be here by now," Adrien said as he stood up and walked towards the window.

"That guy's bad news," Plagg moved to hover next to Adrien, "Remember what he did to my cheese last time? That better not happen again."

While they were looking out the window, Felix crept out of the room. He walked a little way down the hallway before heading back towards Adrien's room.

"Adrien!" He called out, "Adrien! Are you up here?!"

"Yeah!" Adrien called back, "I'm in my room! Come on in!"

Felix and Adrien spent the rest of the day playing board games. After a late dinner, Felix went to the guest room to unpack and make plans. There was much to do...

(A/N) Thank you for reading the first chapter of Shattered Soul. As mentioned in the description, I will be updating every Tuesday and Thursday, so please stay tuned for that. If you have any constructive criticism on how to improve my writing, I'd love to hear it.

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