Chapter 1

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Here we go 🥰🥰🥰

So here we go nothing🥰🥰🥰

LZH pov........

Ring,ring,ring "who the hell is calling me in the middle of night" i take the phone and see who is the caller and its Ray. I was so annoyed why would he call me right now.  I answer the phone " ughhh what do you want right now?" "Hey tomorrow you need to come early to the company cause there is a problem gonna happen there. That's it bye."

What the hell?!! He just hang up like that without explaining goshhhh. I guess need to wait tomorrow i should continue my sleep.

Skip in the morning (im lazy😏😏)

8.00 a.m.
i woke up early today usually i go to work at 9 cause im the boss so what. Well Ray said to go early cause there gonna be a problem,sigh what problems now.....

i do my usual morning routine and quickly wear the my suit and go to work. Skipping breakfast today its okay. I get into my expensive car and drove to work. Once i arrived in the parking lot i called Ray and said that i have arrived. He said to come fast in the office so i hurried up.

When i was in the guards bowed and said good morning as i walk other employee also do the same. I took the elevator and push the 50th floor then soon i arrived at my office. There were worried and nervous Ray and Tian. I am really curious what is the problem.

"so what is happening right now?" I said as i sit on my chair. ray look at me "you know.....our big project Alpha..." its a big project and cause a lot if something wrong it will damage the company a little "what's wrong with it?" I said as i am worried abt this. "its that seems like we have a spy in this company and we got sabotage by our rival and the project have a problem also we need to delay it,what are we gonna do now?" He said and i was shocked like 'spy' in my company. I was so angry "find the spy, i want him as soon as possible!!" I shouted and Ray nodded " i already told the police they said someone will come and help and he is a powerful person" i think abt what he said, who is the one that gonna help......

YU pov.........

i woke up at 8 in the morning bcs of someone ne and that someone is Evan, sigh he always disturbing me but seeing his face right now he look serious so its work mode. "What is it that you woke me up early in the morning?" i said he look at me " the police said that they need a help, LZH Corporation bcs there is a spy in the building to destroy their big project Alpha but seem like their enemy is not just a normal businessman, he has a background with the underworld too." as he done explaining i realise it quiet serious.

i woke up from my bed and ask him to call richard and we will talk abt it. He nodded and went out of the room to call richard. I went to the bathroom and shower quickly and get dressed then went to the living room. Richard and Evan are sitting at the sofa,i went there and sit on the single sofa.

"Is it that serious?" As soon as i sat Richard ask the quest. He look at me i just shrugged and told him "seems like it since our Evan over here is serious. Plus its your boyfriend dont you know his behaviour?" He nodded agreeing with me. Evan look at me and raised his eyebrow at me and i ask him "do you have a plan?" He shook his head as no
we just sigh. Hmmm what im gonna do now..

i guess i need to go and meet the CEO and talk abt the plan i have in my mind and maybe some help can asked "Richard make and appointment with LZH Corporation and i want it to be on 10." Richard nodded and went to make a call. Evan asked "You have a plan?" "Yeah but i need to talk with them and if they agree we can proceed and put more things in my plan." He nodded and went to the kitchen "where is your maid?" "They are on leave,i dont like many people in my house you know that they came just to clean the house since its big i cant do it alone." He snorted "house?you should call it a big mansion." I glare at him "So what?" "My didi, you live alone in this big mansion." He laughed at me. So what idc i dont like other people in my house.

as he continue to laugh i rolled my eyes on him "baka,evan" and went to my office room.

Author pov.....

as zi hong,Ray and Tian were discussing a knocked was heard on the door. "Come in" ZH personal assistant come and told him that the police has told that the person that will be happen will come soon since the appointment was make at 10 a.m.

he nodded then his PA went out to give them the privacy to discuss their work. "Who is the person?" Tian ask him he just shook his head a sign that he dont know who "A person and man that is coming is all i know" he sighed

a knock on the door was heard there is ZH PA saying " he is here sir" he was wondering why she look so pale like she just saw a ghost "let him in." She stood aside there he saw two person that known as right and left man of DRAGON and the person who is in the middle.....

as the PA stood aside there the person that the never expect Richard And Evan the right left man of DRAGON and in the middle stood there in all glory an unknown face to them but not to the under world YANG YUTENG!!!


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