chapter 2

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I accidently press the publish button as i want to save the chapter. Its not done yet that time,i was panicking and quickly unpublished it 😂😂😂

ZH pov.....

OMG!! I cant believe my eyes cause i think i just saw an angel walking inside this office,but i was confused why the right and left man of DRAGON is with him. As i look beside me Tian and Ray also shocked. The person in the middle start to talk and i cant help but think its the most angelic voice i've ever heard. "Hai,I'm YU, Yang YuTeng the leader of DRAGON" as he finished my eyes widened in shock. He is the leader?!! He look so pretty,cute and soft sounded how can he be in an mafia on top of that the leader.

as i recovered from the shock,i need to welcome him of course or he will think I'm rude it will be a bad impression. "Hai,I'm Lin ZiHong and beside me is Ray and Tian" with a smile he nodded and we start to sit. "So....DRAGON gonna help us in this problem?" Ask Tian i can sense he became impatient and curious about this. "Yes,we gonna help you since we realise that this problem is kind of serious since your enemies have a connection with underworld it could be dangerous to have the police handle it" the right hand man or should i say Evan explain it to us "so, what is the plan? Maybe we can help." Ray suggest to them.

then my angel look at me and i swear my heart beating so much that maybe they could heard it.
" we do need your help,i think that we should disguise as a bodyguard,personal bodyguard as somebody could know Evan and Richard. Nobody have seen my face as a mafia they only know me as a young master of YANG family,so me not gonna be a problem." " i think the idea is okay cause the spy in here maybe you guys could find who since its a higher employer who did it." I told him as i agree with his plan. He continued " how about you two? Okay with the plan? We can ensure your safety with this plan as we can protect you guys." The other two nodded.

But honestly,we can protect ourselves cause we have a legal certificate to use gus and we good at it also we all masters of boxing and other martial arts. But i can use this to get to know him. As we all agree on this Richard said that they gonna start the plan tomorrow " we need a list of someone that you maybe suspect that he/she are the spy so we can easily keep an aye on them" Evan said and Ray tell him that he will prepared it.
Just like that the meeting is done and they went back,i started to catch my breath as i feel like i was holding my breath for a long time. Ray and Tian also became less tense since they maybe scared but knew they are a good people.

YU pov.....

After the meeting is done,we decided to go back home right away. I must say that the CEO is attractive but something feel different about him,i feel calm and safe around him and I'm not nervous or anxious to talk with him. I don't know why i am feeling like this but all i can think he is not a bad person and he can be trusted. Its just first time meeting him but i already trusted him. It took a long time for Evan and Richard to get my trust but he doesn't even need to try. Sigh i don't know what is wrong with me.

as i arrived at home i went to my room and just sleep cause i don't know what to do right now. I don't have any works or problem need to settle so just sleep right away. I kind of tired cause of last night, handling mafia is not easy.....

skip to night....... (why not right? I'm lazy and short of idea rn)

i went to the kitchen because of I'm hungry. Usually i just skip but i hasn't eat anything since afternoon and now the maid isn't here so i guess i need to cook it myself. I take out the ingredients that needed. I take a pot and fill the water and put on the electric stove then put the pasta in it. While waiting for the noodles i make the sauce with my own recipe. Saw the noodles are done, i take the noodles out and take one plate and put the noodles in and take the sauce and put some decoration on it. Then its done.......

then i eat quietly like its so quiet but i love it

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then i eat quietly like its so quiet but i love it. As i done eating, i wash the dished and went to bed and sleep.

I was woken up by my phone ringing,i take the phone and answer it and heard Richard voice " YU we have a problem someone attack our basement and its our enemy we need you right now!" As he finished i hung up and get dressed and went to the base. I saw my mens fighting our enemy i took my gun and start shooting and fight them. Of course we won,they surrender and ran away,some if the members are injured so they are taken to our hospital(his mafia has a personal hospital as it more safe that way)

As everything is done and make sure that they will not attack again but as if they dare to attack agin tho. I went home to continue my sleep to have a lot of rest since tomorrow i have a job to do and i got to meet HIM too so i need to make sure have an energy tomorrow and i sleep with one think in my mind Lin Zi Hong.......

No proof read🤭🤭

Please remember that english is not my first language if any grammar mistake of wrong written hope you just let it go😂😂😂

That's all for today. How was the chapter please comment about it and leave a lot of comment also feel free to share your ideas to me sometime.

i just wanna say when i will update is schedule i just update it when i done wrote it and when i have time. Hope you understand if did kind of slow update. Thank you for reading see you guys on next update🥰🥰🥰🥰


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