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(Y/n pov)

tw/anxiety & murder

As you were moving you kept on feeling this thing in your mind and soul to do. It was like you couldn't control yourself from doing it. After a few weeks, you moved on with your life and continued to study architecture. You visited your mother's grave every once in a while when you can since you were very busy with school. About the study group, you assigned your friend Chloe to be the leader. You knew it would use up all your time for architecture. How about the 4 odd people you met? You may ask well, You meet up with them every once in a while too! Your life was great and back to normal again. As days pass by things start to change. You met your soulmate in a cafe shop that is now your fiancée, You're now starting to sell houses and loft with your touch of flavor and spice! You're even on the billboard as the most successful woman in the world! Finally at last the day where everything not only changed your life but also showed you who you are. It's your birthday! You! turning 19!? You can't believe how time goes on so fast! It was like you were 1 yesterday. You wake up with the morning joy of the song "happy birthday"! You see your grandma holding a plate of sliced cake with a candle on top. You made a wish and slowed the candle.

You dressed up and went outside to smell the fresh air. You were going to the local flower shop in town to buy some flowers for your mother. It's one of the special ways you thank her for loving you and taking care of you. You went to her grave and gave her flowers on your birthday. This made you feel like she was still there even tho she wasn't. Angie mostly bonds with you and does things for you not to miss out. It was like she was your 2nd mother. Never the less happy things don't always stay that long. That night you went outside by yourself for some peace. It made you feel calm or so you thought. You then felt a strange feeling in you. It was like someone was following you but who could it be? In eager you turned around to see nothing but air. You thought your mind was playing tricks on you. After awhile you proceeded to walk again but this time more slowly. You didn't want the day to end. As you were walking you felt the same odd feeling. You turned around to see air. You knew somethings up and things weren't normal. You walked backed to your apartment. You then see a man with a black coat looking at you. As you walked closer to the man you see him hold a cup of red liquid. All your traumatizing memories came back. Your hand suddenly picked up an ax and sliced that man's head. You dropped the ax and froze like a stone. What if someone saw you kill that man!? Are you gonna go to jail!? Those questions revolve around your head as you swallowed your saliva seeing who the man was. As you unravel the black coat you saw the man the same man who had grey hair named Harrison Renard. In shock, you fell butt-faced on the ground as you tried to crawl away from it.


You hear a voice say.

Lightning struck you as you turned around to see Angie looking at you with both of her hands to the side.

"Angie Jesus Christ you scared me"

You said as you looked down and picked yourself up from the ground

"Oh look at you, Your clothes are dirty!"

Angie says as she tried to walk near you


You accidentally exclaimed.

You saw her eyes pop open and her jaw-dropping. It was like she was shocked at what you did. You never showed anyone that side of you ever since after your mother died.

"I-i-im sorry"

You said as you looked down.

She nods her head as she walks away from you. You sighed and looked back at the man you killed. You dragged him and his head to a lake hoping that nobody would find him. You went back home and took a nap from that awful experience. As you wake up you had the eager to check the dead body if it was still there. After a long period, you came back home from your job and took a nap. You then wake up to hear screaming outside of your home. You walked to the window and looked outside. You saw a black car. You thought to yourself this could be the time for you to get retribution after what he did to your mother and the coven. You went outside and grabbed your coat. As you were walking near the lake you see a man holding a gun about 22 inches. As you walkd towards him you start to realize it was your father hank. You gasped out loud as he turns around to see you there standing 6 inches away from him.

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