chapter 1

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It had been a month, a month since it went down, a month since she lost her right partner.

It was hard she had lost people before, she had lost her brother and that broke her but it wasn't the same.

Her brother was always there for her, her brother she grew up with and was one of the only people that believed in her at the time.

When he died and she joined the Military she found Steve and he was that new only person that she felt believed in her. He treated her like a person, not an object.

He made her happy.

When Peggy first met Steve she never knew how attached she would get to him. How when he would say her name her stomach would go into a fit of butterflies with an undying longing to be touched by him and held by him.

She never knew that he was going to leave her after the last five years where she practically fell in love, a love unbreakable.

Peggy was an independent woman and swore she didn't need a man to complete her. Which she didn't she was fully capable to handle herself.

But Steve he wasn't just 'the man to complete her' he was so much more.

He had a heart of pure gold and wanted the best for her and for her to be happy, he was the sunshine on her cloudy day.

Fred, Peggy's ex-fiancé wanted her to be a housewife. To work in the kitchen and at home to make dinner for him to come home to, to give him children and pleasure, to practically serve his needs.

Her brother Michael made her realise that it wasn't what she wanted. Yes, she did want a family one day but... she did drop all her life aspirations for a man that only thought about himself and his pleasure.

Steve was nothing of that, if she wanted to put her hardest efforts into becoming the president of the United States, Steve would put his heart and soul to help her dreams to become reality.

Both Peggy and Steve were selfless, putting others before themselves and being quite closed off not trying to show emotion, and it hurt them.
In everyday life it hurt them and it was something they could both see, with no way knowing how to help each other in times so tough.

Peggy was having it rough she was trying so hard to be strong trying so hard to not be affected by the constant pressure and the never-ending death surrounding her. She just couldn't take it anymore.

It was just after they had settled down around a campfire for some dinner and they were all talking about life back at home. Dugan said something.

It made her feel and remember when she saw her mother collapse into her father's arms when soldiers came to tell them her brother had been KIA.

She shut her eyes holding back the emotions she was feeling and just got up and left.

The commandos looked at her confused but went back to their topic of conversation.

Steve didn't leave it.

Peggy went for a walk and sat under a tree grabbing her pocket knife from her pocket sharpening it against the wood of the tree holding it in her hand and looking at how the metal reflected in the moonlight above.

She heard the crunching of leaves and reached for her sidearm.

"It's just me," Steve said gently walking over to sit beside her.

She wasn't surprised that steve had followed her up, but she kind of wanted time alone...

Steve looked at the pocket knife. "what were you gonna do with that?" he said gently hoping it wasn't a sensitive topic.

we'll get through this - steggyWhere stories live. Discover now