chapter 2

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trigger warning: medical procedure mentions

"where is he?" she said breathlessly walking down the corridor in a beeline to Howard.

Young agents, nurses and doctors all stopped to look at her but she ignored them. She just wanted to see Steve.

Howard put a hand out to stop her from going into the room without warning of his condition but she pushed past and stood in the room face as pale as a ghost.

Steve was hooked up to several machines, drips and medications all leading to keep him alive, she didn't know how bad he was.

She teared up and put a hand over her mouth the tears like a glassy barrier between her and her emotions close to falling breaking her composure. She looked at Howard who sighed and quietly stepped into the room. "He was frozen in ice, the serum and the machines are the only things that are keeping him alive, I'm trying Peg the doctors are trying but we don't know how long we can keep him alive..."

She broke the tears fell and she clenched her hands into fists, "can I have some time alone with him" Howard looked up at her and nodded leaving her and Steve in a comatose state.

He looked peaceful put the wires and tubes and needles disrupted that peace.

She knew he was a strong man and she admired him for that and so many other reasons but she wasn't even sure herself he would pull through such a major event as this.

She slowly went and sat next to his bed looking at the hand free from drips and monitors taking it in hers gently.

She took in a shaky breath as she held it and stroked the top of it with her thumb.

"could've given me those bloody coordinates you know" she chuckled weakly through the tears that streamed down her face holding his hand to her mouth kissing it gently.

His skin was ice cold and his hands were heavy. All she wanted was for when she squeezed his hand for him to squeeze back.

She wanted him to be safe and out of pain but she knew that if he were to survive it would be a crazy next few days or weeks or even months, but she knew they would get through this together.


It reached around nine o'clock at night Peggy stood in the corner of the room eyes exhausted watching as the doctors took some blood and some other information.

She hadn't left that room in over twelve hours, she hadn't eaten anything since dinner over 24 hours before and had the occasional cup of extremely milky tea the nurse would sometimes bring to her every few hours when she came to check on him.

Steve stayed the same for a week and Peggy hadn't left the room only to go the bathroom or when Howard or the Colonel forced her to get up go have a shower and get some food.

She was reluctant to but did it anyway.

"Peggy it's been a week and a half the doctors say his brain activity is progressing please get up go clean yourself up change paint your nails do whatever he will still be here when you come back"

He was right he wasn't going to leave he had been in a coma for over a week he won't just get up and leave.

"please call out to me if anything happens I don't want to miss it I- I can't lose him" she looked down at her hands that held his compass.

The colonel looked at her understandingly crouching down in front of her so he was eye level with her.

"I want you to listen to me okay? he will make it through he is a strong man and you are such a strong woman with amazing moral values. You two will get through this together" he gently patted her knee and stood up "It'll all be okay, now go fix yourself up because if he were to wake I don't think he would wanna see you in such a state and to find out you weren't taking care of yourself" He was right again, and god she hated it.

we'll get through this - steggyWhere stories live. Discover now