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Tyrian grabbed his nose and jumped upright. Qrow turned around, swinging his weapon and holding at the ready by his side. His masked companion jumped back beside Qrow and held his weapons ready.

Tyrian: As I live and breathe, Qrow Branwen. *bows mockingly* A true Huntsman has entered the fray! But I don't think I know this one. *Byleth stays silent* The silent treatment? All right. I'll make you pay anyway.

Byleth: *growls faint* You...

Tyrian: *uninterested* Should I know you?

Ruby got up and set Crescent Rose on its end. Qrow glanced back at her.

Ruby: *to Qrow* I don't know, this guy's weird.

Qrow: *faces Tyrian again* Look, pal, I'm not sure who you are, but you need to leave my niece alone.

Tyrian: *chortles* Why, friend, my name is Tyrian. And I'm afraid that is not possible. 

He placed his hands together before gesturing at Ruby.

Tyrian: My assignment from Her Grace was to retrieve this young girl. So, that is what I must do. *places a hand on his chest* One does not upset the Queen. 

Ruby: Queen?

Qrow: Salem.

Ruby: Who?

Tyrian: Hmm, I think we've had enough talk now, don't you?

Tyrian assumed a crouching position.

Qrow: You took the words right out of—

Tyrian rushed Qrow before he could finish voicing the thought but the masked man jumped over Qrow and blocked the attack with his daggers. When he jumped backwards as Tyrian rushed at him, Qrow blocked two strikes with Harbinger, then slashed at Tyrian who jumped trying to pierce Qrow as he landed. Qrow dodged then swang but Tyrian back-flipped away and rushed back in. The two clashed as Tyrian went flying, he came to a stop digging his weapons into the ground. He ducked to avoid a slash from Qrow then leaped aside to dodge a horizontal strike. He followed up with a slash, using the force to transition into a kick that Tyrian slided under, then the Faunus tried to strike his back but it was stopped. Tyrian attacked again as Qrow parried several thrusts of his tail. As Tyrian blocked a downward strike pinning him on his knees a roof got damaged by the shock-wave and Tyrian used The Queen's Servants built in guns to get free. As Qrow blocked the shots with Harbinger Tyrian circled him firing a steady barrage, Ren and Nora joined in, but Tyrian catched their sneak attack and dodged then easily knocked them away. He moved to chase them as the two landed back near Jaune and Ruby, but Qrow intervened to hold him back.

Qrow: Don't come closer!

Byleth kicked then Tyrian away from Qrow.

Qrow: You watch that they don't do something reckless!

The two men continued to fight.

Ruby: Fine!

She took Crescent Rose to the top of a building and waited for an opening to shoot Tyrian. However, both he and Qrow moves too fast for her to get a clear shot. Ruby grimaced in frustration.

Qrow blocked a jab from Tyrian"s tail then countered, Tyrian parried before retaliating with a slash followed by a kick. Qrow ducked before swinging three times as the Faunus avoided them all, before using his tail as a spring to gain altitude as he opened fire again. Qrow blocked the attack then fired a shot of his own then dodged another thrust. Tyrian managed to use his tail to disarm Qrow flinging the sword away as he rubbed his wrist. This slowed things down enough for Ruby to repeatedly shoot at him from the roof, but after the first shot missed an amused Tyrian just deflected each with his tail. He then sensed something static above him and jumped back just in time before a Thunderbolt hit him. He looked at the roof of the building and noticed that the masked one raised his hand at his direction. When the masked one noticed his glare, he readied his daggers.

A new dawn in Remmant: Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now