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Somewhere in Mistral was a petite young woman with green eyes and hair, wearing a green-black outfit, wandering around in a forest. She looked irritated and was about to explode.

Maira: Man, where in Sothis' name is this old man. It's been Months. MONTHS!!! Since I'm running around, trying to find the old man. *sighs* Where the hell is he.

She then heared growling behind her and turned at the direction from where the noises came from. A lot of Beowolfs were surrrounding her. Maira just started to grin and raised her bare fists with silvern flames around them.

Maira: Who is the first one?

Meanwhile: On a path through the woods, Team RNJR and Azura moved forward with Ruby looking at a map.

Ruby: Come on, guys! If we pick up the pace, we can hit the next town before sunset!

Jaune: Assuming it's still there.

Ruby: Of course it'll be there. This one's supposed to be pretty big! Hee-gan...bayn-a.

Ren: Higanbana. It's a well protected village with a popular inn.

Nora: Which means, no camping in the rain!

Ruby: See? Everything's going to be fine!

Jaune: You know, we've had a lot of ups and downs. But things could be a lot worse. I really thought we'd see more Grimm.

Ren: As did I.

Nora: I guess our luck is finally turning around!

The scene changed to Team RNJR and Azura being viewed from above, a rocky outcropping just on the edge of the view.

Nora: To Higanbana!

Jaune and Ren: To Higanbana!

Azura: To Higanbana!

Ruby: To Higanban... ban-a!

Azura: *giggles* Please, stop that, Ruby.

A Beowolf stomped into view and growled at the four kids and the young woman. Just as it was about to leap, it was stabbed through by Qrow. Behind him stood a masked man, wearing black clothes, a guitar on his back and twin daggers on his waists. Three disintegrating bodies of other Beowolves were just behind them. A black raven cawed from a tree branch on eye level with Qrow and the stranger, catching their attention. They looked at it and it flew off, following RNJR and Azura.

Qrow: *scoffs* Luck. *looks at his companion* Let's go.

It was raining on the village of Higanbana. Through the window of an inn, the five friends were shown silently discussing with the proprietor. A backward zoomed brought the visual out into the street, and through yet another window being viewed from the inside of a tavern. Qrow and his masked companion sat at a table, watching.

A waitress set a glass with liquor and ice in front of Qrow.

Qrow: Oh, I didn't o—

Waitress: From the woman upstairs. Red eyes. Said you wouldn't mind bottom shelf.

Qrow turned and looked up. An overhead shot showed the spacious lower level of the tavern and its several round tables, while the edge of a balcony was just visible. Qrow turned back.

Qrow: Thanks.

Waitress: *winks* But I went ahead and gave you top. Lucky you.

With a pleased smirk, Qrow watched the waitress as she walked away. After she was gone, he looked through the two windows to see no one visible in the lobby of the inn.

A new dawn in Remmant: Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now