Take the Road

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The landscape was looking dreary as Ruby could be heard breathing.

Ruby: Just hold on, Uncle Qrow.

Byleth was carrying Qrow on his back, while Ruby and Jaune walked beside him. Ren was before them on the path, leading the way while Nora and Azura brought up the rear. Qrow was groaning in pain and was a touch delirious.

Qrow: Tai. She's not... coming... *grunts in pain* Tai. *coughs repeatedly*

Jaune: He's getting worse.

Ruby: How much farther?

Nora: We've gotta be close.

Ren: Without the map, there's no way of knowing. But I feel like we're close to something.

Ren holstered StormFlower.

Ruby: What is it?

Directly ahead was a fork in the road with a signpost. They were coming from the direction of Higanbana. Kuchinashi and Mistral were to the right, where the land was mountainous. To the left was Kuroyuri, its name crossed out. The path that way remained low ground.

Nora: Hey, hey! Mistral! We're on the right path! Oh...

Ruby: Does it say how close?!

Ren: No. And it looks like the path takes us up the mountains.

Jaune: Guys, I don't know if all of us can make that climb.

Ruby looked at Qrow, concerned, before rushing forward to the signpost.

Ruby: Okay. Well, what about this place? *points* Kuro... Kuroyuri? Can we get help there?

Jaune approached.

Ren: That village was destroyed years ago.

Jaune: But if it takes us around the mountains, it's the best bet we've got.

Ren: *sternly* It will take too long.

Ruby: The town would have had a doctor, right? Maybe we could scavenge for medicine!

Jaune: Right!

Ren closed his eyes, lowered his head and shook it.

Ren: We're not going to find anything! We just have to press on!

There was just a brief moment of silence. Ruby watched him, clutching her hands before her chest.

Jaune: Ren, why are you acting—

Nora: *cuts Jaune off and comes up beside Ren* We can split up.

Ruby: Huh?

Nora: *puts her hand on Ren's shoulder* Ren and I can cut through the mountains while you, Byleth, Azura and Ruby take Qrow around through the village.

Jaune: No, we're supposed to stick together! We keep each other safe!

Nora: We don't have time for safe! If we make it to Mistral, we'll bring back help! If we don't, at least we'll have a better view of the land! Up there, we can see if there's somewhere else we can go!

Ren turned and looked at Nora. They exchanged small, affectionate smiles. Still holding his gaze, Nora dropped her hand from his shoulder. All four remained silent, feeling the weight of the choice before them. Qrow coughed, making them all turn in concern and giving the motive to continue.

Jaune looked at Ruby, Byleth and Azura before turning to Nora and Ren.

Jaune: OK.

Jaune stepped forward and he and Ren hugged each other.

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