Childhood Love - Izuku Midoriya

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"Y/n! Izuku's here!" Leaving my book open on my bed, I run downstairs. "Izuku!" I wrap my best friend in a hug. "Hi, Y/n!" he replies. "Now, you two can play for a bit. Katsuki and his mom are coming for dinner." I nod then drag Izuku to my room. "We have to be kinda quiet because Shiro and Avari are home," I say quietly. "Okay."

We start to doodle on copy paper I grabbed from my mom's printer. A few hours later, my mom calls us downstairs. "H-Hey, Kacchan," I stutter. "Whatever."

"Shiro, Avari! Dinner time!" Avari walks downstairs with her headphones on. Shiro places his bag by the stairs. "I can't stay long. Endeavor called me about something in Tokyo." Mom nods. "Let's eat, everyone!" I sit between Mom and Izuku during dinner. Kacchan sits across from me. "So, Avari, how was your internship?" Mrs. Midoriya asks. 

"It was fun. Crimson Riot is a great hero," Avari replies bluntly. "Sounds exciting," Mrs. Bakugo adds. "Yeah, it was. We caught a few villains on patrol," Avari says. Shiro's phone goes off. "I've got to go. Thanks for dinner, Mom. It was nice to see you all again." Shiro kisses my hair. "Be good for Mom, Y/n. Behave, Avari." 

Shiro walks out. "That Endeavor really keeps him busy, huh, Kiavi?" Mom shrugs. "He loves us, but his job is his life." I drink some of my water while thinking about Shiro's job. "Y/n, do you want to be a hero, too?" I nod. "Just like Shiro!" I giggle.

"Have you even gotten your quirk yet?" Kacchan asks rudely. "Katsuki!" his mom yells. "I-I did, Kacchan! Telekinesis, just like Avari and my mom!" I reply. "Y/n, calm down, honey," Mom warns me. Dishware in the kitchen was floating. "Sorry," I mutter as I release them gently. "She's working on it," Avari says. 

"Shiro said his friend at the support company made a necklace to help Y/n with her quirk," Mom explains. "Oh, yeah. I'll go get it." Avari gets up and leaves the table. "Y/n, Izuku, Katsuki, go play or watch TV, okay?" We nod and walk over to the living room. "What's your quirk like, Y/n/n?" Izuku asks.

"Uh, it's kind of hard to control, but it's really cool!" I start to float some books on the coffee table. "Y/n, no quirks in the house!" Avari scolds me. I set the books back down. "Sorry, Avari." She clips the necklace around my neck. "I'm home!"

"Mikairo!" I yell. I run to meet my oldest brother. "Y/n! How are you?" He picks me up. "Deku, Kacchan! Hey, guys," Mikairo says. Izuku jumps up and Mikairo picks him up, too. "Kacchan, don't be so grumpy!" My blonde-haired best friend rolls his eyes and walks away. "What's up with him?" Mikairo asks. I shrug.

~Time Skip #1~

"Kacchan, no! It's too dangerous!" I say, clutching Izuku's arm. "Don't be such a crybaby baka, Y/n," Kacchan retorts. He grabs my wrist, pulling me with him. "Kacchan, Y/n/n's right!" Kacchan whirls around. "Shut up, Deku! Let's go, guys!" I struggle to pry his hand off me. I could feel it heating up on my wrist. "Kacchan, please! I'm scared!" 

He lets go of me, shoving me to the ground. "How do you expect to become a hero if you're so damn scared of everything?! God, control your emotions, Y/n." Kacchan walks off, his friends following. "C'mon, Y/n/n. Let's go." Izuku helps me up and we walk back to the park. I look at my wrist and see a faint red hand mark. 

~Time Skip #2~

"L/n! Wake up!" I jolt upright in my desk. "Sorry, sir," I say, looking down. "Now, do pages 17-26 for homework. Class dismissed." I put my stuff in my bag and start towards the train station. "Y/n/n! Wait up!" 

"Oh, hi, Izuku!" Back in grade school, the two of us used to walk home with Kacchan, but now it's just us. "Do you have any homework?" I nod. "Shiro and his girlfriend are coming over to babysit me and help me study. Want to come with?" Izuku nods. "Sure!" We laugh the whole way back to my house.

"Mom, Shiro, Lyra! We're home!" I kick off my shoes and set my bag in the living room. "Hey, Mom. I brought Zuku with me, hope that-" I stop dead in my tracks. "Mom!" My mother lay dead on the floor in a pool of blood. "S-Shiro? L-Lyra?" I walk into the dining room and scream. "Y/n!" Izuku wraps his arm around my waist, dragging me away.

"No, Mom! Shiro!" Izuku drags me to the living room. "Stay out, I'm packing you a bag. You're coming to stay with me and my mom."

"Y-Y/n/n?" I look up and see Kio, my little sister who's only five. "Kio!" I pick up and hug her, hiding her face in my neck so she can't see anything. "W-Where's Momma?" I shake my head, unsure of what to tell her. "Zuku?"


"Can you pack Kio a bag, too?" 

"Of course." He walks downstairs carrying two duffel bags. "Okay, let's go." I help Kio put her coat and shoes on before carrying her to Izuku's house. His mom calls the police then takes Kio to her room. "You okay staying with me, Y/n/n?" I nod. "There isn't anyone else I'd rather be with." Izuku pulls me into a hug and I start to cry again.

"Y/n, honey?" I look to Mrs. Midoriya. "I called Avari and Mikairo. They're flying in tomorrow." 

"Thank you," I say, my head still tucked under Izuku's chin. She nods and goes to check on Kio. "You hungry?" Izuku asks as we sit down on the couch. I shake my head, curling into him again. "Okay. Let me know if you are." We call the school and let them know I won't be at school tomorrow. 

"I don't know what to do," I whisper. "It'll be okay, Y/n. I promise."

~Time Skip #3~

"Are you really sure about this, Zuku?" I ask him as we approach U.A. on the day of the entrance exams. "Yeah! It'll be okay, I promise!" We walk in and head to our seats. "Damn. We're in different training grounds," I mumble, looking at our cards. Izuku was at Ground Beta and was at Ground Delta. "You got this, okay?" I nod.

We then split up. I change into different clothes and head to Ground Delta. I stand there nervously, fidgeting with my hands. "Hey, don't look so nervous!" I look up and see a bright red haired boy and a boy with yellow hair walking up to me. "Oh, I'm not nervous," I reply, obviously lying. "Don't be! I'm Eijiro Kirishima. This is Denki Kaminari."

"Y/n L/n, but you can call me Y/n." 

~Time Skip #4~

"Y/n, Izuku! They're here! The letters came!" I take the envelope gently from Mrs. Midoriya and walk into the bathroom. Izuku and I decided to open our letters separately. I open it and a small device falls out. "Young L/n!" I jump back. "All Might!" I exclaim.

"Your performance at the entrance exam and during your mock exam were incredible! With 65 villain points and 13 hero points, you passed with flying colors! Welcome, young L/n, to U.A. High's Hero Course!" A squeal of excitement comes out of my mouth.

"Izuku!" He meets me in the living room. "Did you make it?" He nods. "Did you?" I nod. "Yeah!" 

"Mrs. Midoriya! We got in!" Mrs. Midoriya hugs both of us. "I am so proud of both of you!" She turns to me and says, "Your mom and Shiro would be so proud of you." I nod, tears in my eyes. "Get some rest you two." 

I walk to Izuku's room and flop on his bed. "We start high school in three weeks," I say. "At U.A." The two of us spent those three weeks training on the beach. I helped Izuku and we both exhausted ourselves. I knew about All Might and his power. Izuku filled me in on everything. 

It's impossible for us to keep anything from each other. "Heroes! We're going to be heroes!" I say as we start running on the beach. "Yeah, it's awesome!" The next day was the first day of school. I was beyond excited.

"Okay, good luck! Remember, I'm so proud of both of you." 

"Thanks, Mom," Izuku says before pulling me out the door. We run off to school. "I hate this skirt," I complain as we look for Class 1-A. "It's worth it, though," I add. We find the class and I walk inside, looking for my desk. 

"Hey! You're Y/n L/n, right?" I nod. "And you're Kirishima, right? We were at the same training ground for the entrance exam." This was going to be fun. 

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