Chapter 19 ("Relaxation")

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\Art is not mine/

Night raid had desided to go to the beach and relax since they had been doing nothing but working Najenda figured a day at the beach would be nice so she informed the team about her plan.

The team was of course on board with the plan this was a chance to relax from all the work they weren't gonna say no to a break like this.

(This should be nice for the team i think they'll like it)

Once she had gotten everyone up and at the beach and they were having a lot of fun.

Akame and Tatsumi had found a little hidden spot where noone could see them and they started kissing without end.

"Hm where did Tatsumi and Akame get off to?"

"I have no idea they'll make them selve's known when they want to be known."

"They are lover's after all they need some time alone."

"Ooooh there is so much :That's what she said: right there."

"She probably did."


Mine started laughing like there was no tomorrow.

"Hm what's so funny?"

"That's what she said joke's are ment to make something that's doesn't mean it sound sexual like if someone say's like why is it so hard someone could say that's what she said and it make's it sound sexual."

Lubbock explained while laughing his ass off.

"I think i understand."

"Okay that was funny as hell though."

Sheele was completely ignoring the rest of the team she was laying out in the sun getting a tan Leone was swimming in the water and splashing Chelsea.

Najenda was staying in the shade nit wanting to get sunburnt.

Mine and Bulat were teaching Susanoo how to make a sand castle.

Lubbock was doing what he did best and was perving on the girl's.

"And now we just have to make the bridge and then were done."

"Sound's pretty easy."

"When you've done it more than once it get's easer."

"Hm so we start here right?"

"Yeah just like that."

With Akame and Tatsumi

The couple had been kissing the entire time taking a break every now and again to catch there breath.

(So addicting i can't stop the feeling of his lip's against mine i don't want to stop)

The two lover's continued there making out and hadn't stoped until they heard the sound of foot step's they had assumed that it was one of there teammate's how wrong they were.

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