Chapter 3 - Avoiding Him

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Chapter 3- Avoiding Him

I sat in my room all day, knees up to my chest and my face hiding in the sheets. I've been avoiding Demetrius for the past few days, he'd come knock on the door to talk to me but I wouldn't budge. A knock on the door made me jump and knock myself out of my thoughts, "Hey Sia its Avery, can I come in?" I threw the large comforter off of my body and walked to the door. I unlocked it for Avery and crawled back into my bed, Avery walked in and closed the door behind her. I just sat there curled up in the sheets not moving, or acknowledging her presence. The bed dipped as she sat beside me, Avery put her hand on my thigh and sighed. "Sia I know you are hurt and I know, I really do. But you can't stay in your room and close everyone off." My eyes pricked with tears that were threatening to fall. I tried to keep back the tears, but one traitorous tear rolled down the side of my face. "I'm sorry" I croaked out.

Avery rubbed my back as I cried "if you are feeling up to it there's breakfast in the dinning room." She patted my leg, got up and left.

I had spent most of my day in my room pacing, at one point I thought I was going to burn a hole in the floor and had to stop. I was now at my writing desk drawing with paper I had found while I was going through the desks contents. I was drawing a girl in the forest, she was sitting on what seemed like a hill, the trees around her set into the ground; tall and firm. Her legs up to her chest and her dress flowed around her legs. Her head sat neatly on her arms that were delicately placed on her knees. Her almond eyes looking back at you with such emotion, her mouth set in a small frown.

I backed away from the drawing contemplating on whether I should add more to the scenery or not. I decided to leave it the way it was so I signed my name, put the date and pushed the picture to the side. But I pushed it back towards me just looking at her face, I seem to know that face but I can't recall where at the moment. I just sat there studying her facial features, she looked like me. I might be picturing my mother, but I haven't seen her since she went missing twelve years ago.

A knock from the door sounded throughout the room jerking me from my thoughts. I calmed my racing heart and went for the door. I opened the door to my room to face the awaiting person, I had thought it was one of the boys or Avery but I came face to face with King Demetrious. I tried slamming the door shut but his boot was wedged in the door, stopping me from shutting him out, I huffed and crossed my arms glaring at him "what do you want?" I asked. Demetrious stood against the door frame, arms crossed over his strong chest and a smirk across his face. He didn't move, he didn't say anything, he just stood there like a sexy Greek god...whoa whoa what? sexy Greek god? Where in God's name did that come from? I mentally shook my head removing the weird thoughts that where currently cluttering my mind.

In one moment I'm having a mental freak-out and the next I hear the door shut and I'm pinned to the wall. My mouth gaping open like a fish out of water, I probably look like a gold fish with my mouth open the way it is. I once again mentally shook out my thoughts and reeled my attention back to the man who is currently pinning me to the wall and fanning his hot breath on my neck. I looked up to Demetrius, and realize that I'm trapped and started to struggle. "Demetrius Let me go!" I struggled some more but his arms were brought up and placed by my head. Great now I'm really trapped! Way to go Sia you just had to open the flippin' door! Wow I'm mean in my head. "No not until I know whats wrong, and you are not leaving this spot until you tell me." His throaty voice rumbled around my room, some how making my knees weak. "And why should I? You're the one who had kidnapped me from my family! Why should I tell you what my problems are? Hmm?" I snapped, what he did fueled my anger. "I don't care if I have to stay in this room for days I'm not saying anything!" my chest rising and falling and my breathing rugged. Shock danced across his handsome face before he masked it. "Do you know why you where taken? There is always a reason for everything. I just didn't pick you for no reason! I searched everywhere, met women that were of royal decent, and those from cities,and many more. But no one was as perfect as you. You Ambrosia Marie Alvarez, are a high strung, hard headed,  stubborn woman. And you would make a perfect queen!" Demetrius ranted. My eyes widened and my mouth open.

"You Ambrosia are beautiful, you where raised differently than those girls, you are like no other!" I listened to what he had to say, my mouth still open like a fish. I looked down and tried to sort my thoughts. Demetrius's hand grabbed my chin and made me stare into his eyes.
I moved my hands up from my sides and placed them on his chest fisting my fingers in the fabric of his shirt. I dropped my head till it touched my chest, I shook my head and clenched my hands tighter in the fabric. I pushed his chest and backed myself further into the wall. "I... I just... I just need time to think." I looked back up to meet his eyes, his mahogany brown eyes stared back into mine. I looked back down, but Demetrius's large hand took my chin back into his grasp, I looked back up and met his gaze once again. "Alright I'll give you time, but you have until two days from now to think this over." His rough voice sending shivers down my spine. I nod my head not trusting my voice. He let go of my chin and left.
I stood there dazed, I lean my head back against the wall and sighed. Well looks like I have two days to think this whole queen thing over.

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