Chapter 1- Kidnapped

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CHAPTER 1- Kidnapped

The first thought that popped into my head as I ran through the forest as my hair whipped across my face was 'Oh my God I'm gonna be caught and killed!' My heart pumping, my legs burning, my feet thumping against the hard forest floor. My breathing becoming labored as my adrenaline was running low. Pushing myself to go faster, my chest heaving, running faster getting away as the thieves get closer. My arms and legs getting clipped by thorned vines and twigs. Wincing slightly as a low branch nicked my thigh. I heard the shouting of the men behind me as they were gaining speed 'shit' I cursed to myself. My boots and tattered male clothing that I was currently wearing was in shreds.

I felt a sharp tug on my arm as I was pulled back onto a hard chest, my arms behind my back. 'Damn they caught me.' I huffed and yelled out profanities that most girls my age shouldn't even mouth. I struggled to get out of his grasp. 'Oh my God! They are surely going to kill me!' A chuckle snaps me out of my thoughts, I snapped my head upwards to look at the owner of the chuckle. The guys emerald green eyes shone with amusement. "It's time to bring you to the King." The guy said with a small sneer. I struggled once again but gave up when I had no strength left. I gulped and looked down at the ground letting one lone tear slip from my eye as the group of guys dragged me to the King of Thieves. Half way before we got to the thieves' hidden hideout, I passed out. Before the darkness overtook my mind, I heard the man who was dragging me shout something in a panicked tone. I didn't let whatever the man shouted to the other men bother me as I welcomed the darkness that waited so eagerly to consume me.

When I woke up I found that I was no longer in the man's arms but in another place that I didn't recognize. 'Shit where am I?' I sat up and looked around. A little bit after the confusion died down my memory returned and to say I was pissed would be an understatement. I was fuming and I was scared. In what state of mind does this leader guy think he has authority over me? And to think it was ok to kidnap me? Was this guy crazy or just plain stupid? Hmm... maybe both. Exhaustion rolled over me again, I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.

I heard the door to the room open, and footsteps getting closer to my bed as he walked to my bedside, I stayed silent. The man reached forward and moved a lock of hair away from my face. "Damn" he muttered.  Another man walked in, "Is she still asleep?" The other man asked sounding the same as the first man that came in, "yeah, she is. She's been sleeping for a while." The first man said with a sigh. "Jesus Aiden! What did you do to her?" the other man says jokingly. "Nothing Adrian, absolutely nothing, Kent passed her to me and she was passed out in my arms and then I didn't know what to do, I freaked." The man who was Aiden said, suddenly sounding really young. Adrian sighed, "What did brother say?" As he said that I felt the spot next to me dip as Aiden sat down. "He said he understood when I told him she was exhausted and passed out in my arms." Aiden looked back over to my relaxed position. Adrian hmmed and Hawed, and thought things over. "Well I guess we should wake her up and take her to brother." Aiden got up from the spot next to me and shook my shoulder. "Hey you got to wake up." Aiden shook my shoulder again. I grunted and rolled over on my side not willing to get up. Aiden shook me one more time. My eyes fluttered open, then closed again disapproving of the light that was shining in my face. Then I realized where I was.

I shot up in the bed, eyes widening in fear. I scooted myself further up on the bed and pressed myself against the large head board, putting space between me and the men in front of me. "Aiden move I got this." Aiden moved away and Adrian moved towards me, I shrunk back towards the head bored. "Hey, hey, I'm not going to hurt you." Adrian raised his hands in the 'I surrender' pose. "I have no reason to hurt you." He sat down on the bed and reached out offering his hand.

My eyes stung from the tears that were threatening to fall. I sniffled and I let a tear fall down my cheek "I-I wanna g-go h-home." I stuttered. Adrian's face softened, and reached out towards my body as if he was trying to comfort me. His arm reached out towards my waist and pulls me to him. "Hey you're gonna be okay I promise." Adrian promises. "W-why am I here? What do you want with me?" I asked as fresh tears run down my face. "You will have to see later, but right now we have to get you dressed." Adrian turns to Aiden "Go get Avery, and tell her she needs to bring clothes with her." Aiden nods and walks out the door.

I look around searching for my boots "Um w-where are m-my boots?" Adrian gets off the bed and walks towards the bedside table, he reached down and grabbed my black steel boots. "We took your knives out of your boots, we didn't want any harm." I didn't like the fact that he had taken my knives. But I nodded my head saying I understood. "I have to leave now but you need to stay here until my sister comes in with fresh clothes for you." With that he walked out.


I hope y'all liked the first chapter

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