Chapter 2- Meeting Him

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Chapter 2- Meeting him

A few minutes after Adrian left there was a knock on the door. I had found a silk robe in the closet a few minutes earlier and had put it on.

I opened the door to see a girl standing in front of me with a basket of clothes in her hands. "Hi I'm Avery, my brothers told me to bring you some clothes, but I brought you everything I thought you needed. I nod and opened the door wider so she could step through. Avery puts the basket down and pushed a chair over from the vanity chest over to me and had me sit down, I did as I was told and sat in the chair. "So.. um.. I have a question?" Avery combs out my hair and starts to do something with it. "And I may have an answer." Avery chuckles, "So why did I get kidnapped? And who is this brother or the King Of Thieves I've been hearing about?" I look down and twiddle my fingers. "Well to answer your first question, you got kidnapped because King Demetrius, My oldest brother, needs a Queen; A bunch of our best hunters were sent to watch over you and see if you were worthy enough to become our Queen. And to answer your second question, my brother the oldest out of all of us, is, King Demetrius Reeceli Kartove." And of course my comment just had to be, "Holy long name!" Avery chuckled "what?" Avery chuckles again." Oh nothing" She finished the last touches to my hair and gave me a hand held mirror to look at her master piece.

"Wow its beautiful" I tell her, she pats me on the shoulder affectionately. My hair was in a beautiful braided crown, french braided around my head, small tendrils of curls framing my face. "Thank you". Avery smiles and walks to the closet pulling out a long gorgeous emerald dress. I gasp at the sight of it. "I can't wear that!" I exclaimed, worried that I might ruin it. "Oh its fine I insist, it was made for you." I gape at the beautiful dress. "OK, I'll wear it." Avery helps me out of the night gown I was put into, and helps me into the the dress.

It fit like a glove, I turned and twirled around in the mirror. With a small chuckle from Avery I stopped in mid twirl and blushed. "Sorry" I apologized, my face still flushed. "No it's quite alright." Avery turns around and walks to the door, "I'll be right back I'm going to find Aiden and Adrian, then we'll go to Demetrius." All I could think about right then was how much her brothers remind me of my own.

+++++++ FLASHBACK +++++++++

"Hey Sia get over here!" My oldest brother Angelo shouted waving his hands like an idiot. "No Sia come over here!" Leonardo laughs mimicking his twin brother's actions. Both of my idiotic brothers waving their arms idiotically trying to get my attention. Laughing lightly, I ran away from them "Boys leave your sister alone, and stop chasing her." Our father laughed, walking back to the house he ushered us inside.

After doing all of our chores our father told us to go to the local town market. I grabbed my grocery basket and walked to the market with the boys. Checking my boots for my knives, making sure I have them, I ran after my brothers to catch up. We walked into the market to get the things dad needed, I walked through the market I stopped at a booth that had some cool hunting equipment. I looked buy didn't get anything knowing dad would get mad at me because he wasn't there.

Out of the corner of my eye I see a movement in the alley, I stop at turn towards the ally but there was nothing there. I turned back around and kept walking. Passing a few booths I stopped and paid for a few things dad wanted, and kept on moving.

But once again I see a movement in the alleyway I turned again but nothing was there. My heart rate picked up, and I started walking faster. Moving towards more booths I pass a few scary looking men, and I walk faster. My heart now pounding in my chest. I walked even faster and pass the men but they moved behind me. I walked faster looking through the crowd trying to see my brothers but no avail. I must have lost them in the crowd of people.

I started running through the town market, I heard the pounding of feet behind me. I knew by the way they looked they were thieves. I reached the end of the market and ran into the forest. And knowing it was growing dark, I could use it to my advantage. God I wish my brothers were with me!

++++++++END OF FLASHBACK +++++++++++

I snapped myself out of my thoughts just as the door opened and Avery walked though. "Hey are you ready to meet him? " Avery asks walking over to me "not really, I mean what if he doesn't like me, or if I'm not good enough? And I'm still pissed at him for thinking he could kidnap me!" Avery nods and chuckles " you can slap him as soon as you see him" My mouth drops to the floor " you mean I'm not going to get in trouble by doing that?" I ask "Of course not! He did nab you didn't he? You have every right to smack the sense right into that man's head." Avery says while leading me out the door and into the corridors I looked around seeing the paintings on the walls, the beautiful windows of the castle, and how the stairs sat elegantly the the center of the castle. I was so engrossed in my surroundings I didn't know that Avery had stopped at a large dark wooden door. I was so busy with looking at my surroundings that I bumped into her. Avery chuckles and turned around, she asked me if I was ready to meet him. I wasn't ready but I still have to face him. I nodded my head saying that I am. We walked through through the large door into a room.

I looked around the room and noticed that the room was a man's work study. Avery clears her throat "Brother, you have a visitor." I look toward the desk that was placed in the middle of the room, The man at the desk looked up, his penetrating blue eyes looked at Avery then moved towards me. My heart stopped, looking at this beautiful man I knew I had no chance. The King moved towards me "Avery you may go, Alice is here by the way. " Avery nodded and left. My mouth opened and closed like a fish, I didn't want her to leave. I turned back to the King, he was standing to close to me, I could feel my rage flood my body making his mere presence piss me off. I walked up to him and slapped his face. The sound of my hand hitting his cheek flew around the room. His head forced to the side from the force of my hit.

His eyes widened in shock, mine squinted in anger, glaring at him. He turned himself towards me still shocked until his face went hard. "Your reason for assaulting my face is?" He asks, his deep gruff voice ran a shiver down my back.

My anger still lingering a little, but it felt really damn good to slap him. "Do you really want to know why I thought it necessary to assault your face?" I asked. "Yes I would like to know why." His eyes looking over me. "Okay, well reason one," I said as I held up a finger " you kidnapped me! Reason two you had your damn men chase after me through the Flippin' forest and throw me over their shoulders like a damn sack of potatoes! Reason three you took my knives from my boots! None touches my knives, King or not!" I yelled, and every step I took I poked his chest, which made him walk backward till his back hit the wall.

His face hard, and his body rigid, his eyes burned in anger as he looked me in the eyes. He could be angry all he wanted, but he wasn't the one who was kidnapped. And now I'm thinking I should have done more than just slap his face. I huffed and turned towards the door to walk out but Mr. I- like-to-kidnap-girls decided to grab my arm halting me in mid-stride. I whipped around to face him, raised my hand and slapped him across the face a second time."Don't touch me" I growled out and yanked my hand out of his grip. I yanked the door open and stormed through the threshold, the workers around me stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I stormed passed the others and down the hall. I must have gotten lost seeing that I didn't know where I was. I stopped a guard and asked where my room was and I was led back to the only place I really wanted to be at at the moment.

Why did this have to happen to me I thought before I took off my dress and crawled into bed.


I hope ya'll liked the second chapter!

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-Maddiline ❤

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