Diary and Apologies

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Shoto POV

Next Morning

I woke up in my room, I had been picked up and brought "home" yesterday. I sat up in my bed and examined my surroundings. The floor was a dark grey carpet, the walls were a light tint of blue, next to the door was a desk with a notebook and lamp on it, on my left was a bathroom, and on my right was a big wide window. (Sorry for bad explanation this is just a room I imagined)

I got out of my bed and walked over to the desk, I picked up the notebook and on the front was written Daily Notes/Diary DO NOT OPEN.

I remember this journal, I had remembered my mother talking to my brother and she said that writing down how you feel will help you feel better. After hearing that I bought a notebook and used it to write things down in. My handwriting was quite neat at that age... mostly because Father taught me everything all the way up to the fourth grade, he wanted to train me so he wanted to get me ahead in school so I could focus on training. I'm surprised he even let me go to school. I decided to open the notebook and read about stuff from the past. I opened the first page and there was a date and some writing.

July 8th, 2067, 7:00 pm

Today was like everyday, lots of training. I don't like summer break, I'm home all day for Afther to train me. Not that recess at school was fun either, I don't like to play with other kids. At least it's better than being home all day. Momma was crying again last night... I could hear it from my room, when I'm older I'm gonna get her out of this place and buy her a big house and we can be happy together while Endeavor stays here all alone. I can't wait for that day! I should get to sleep now, I have training at 5:00 am sharp tomorrow morning.


There were about 17 pages more of my day after that one then it was blank. That was probably when Overhaul took me. I picked up a pencil laid neatly on the desk and started writing.

January 9, 2077, 8:00 am

I was just brought home yesterday evening, I had been at Overhaul's base for 10 years. The heroes found me and Eri there and brought us back to U.A., but right now, I'm not looking forward to living with Father. I didn't mind not living with him, in fact, it was great, except for the needles, that wasn't very pleasant. My birthday is in two days, I'll be 16 then, one step closer to being a legal adult! I guess I'll head downstairs now, Fuyumi and Natsuo are probably already up.


After writing that, Shoto felt it was a bit sappy but he knew nobody would see it so he was fine with it. He walked downstairs and saw Fuyumi cooking eggs and bacon. (Sorry, I don't know what Japanese breakfasts look like)

"Oh! Hey Sho!" Fuyumi exclaimed noticing her brother.

'Hi' I signed.

"Here! Come have a seat! The food is almost ready!" Fuyumi said.

I nodded and walked over to the table and sat criss cross on the floor at the table. (Keep in mind, their home is Japanese styled)

After a few minutes, Fuyumi came in with the food, Natsuo had just woken up and was sitting next to me. Fuyumi set down the food and after a moment we started eating.

30 minutes later I was helping Fuyumi with the dishes when Endeavor walked in.

"Shoto, I want to speak to you please." He said.

I nodded and walked into the living room and he told me to sit down.

"Shoto, I just called U.A. and they say that you can attend, so you will be starting tomorrow since it's a Thursday." He told me sitting down.

'Ok' I signed.

"And... one more thing... I'm sorry, for how I treated you in the past..." He started, "I know it wasn't acceptable behaviour and I'd like to make it up to you..."

Endeavor had thought about everything he did the night before. He remembered what it was like before Shoto went missing, how his children looked at him, his wife, Touya... After almost an entire night of thinking about everything he realized how horrible he had treated his family and it caused them to fall apart. He had immediately regretted kicking Shoto in the stomach and knew it was wrong.

I was a bit shocked, but mostly, happy...? I guess I was, the fact that he had changed was an immense feeling and I loved it.

"T-Thanks... Dad." I replied.

He smiled at me and, I felt, happy, my family would be happy.

746 Words

Sorry if there are any mistakes with the Japanese culture thing! Originally I was gonna make Endeavor a big a-hole but I decided not to! In the manga and anime he is trying to change so I wanted to add that in here. Please don't hate me if you didn't like that! Anyway, have a great rest of your day.

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