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The anniversary of her parent's death was always quiet. There was no reminiscing or speaking about how wonderful they were. It was just quiet. No one bothered them. Whether it was out of respect for their family or wanting to avoid an emotional Zelda Spellman was a mystery.

Needless to say, everyone was surprised when there was a knock at the front door. They hadn't received any phone calls about a body from the hospital or the police.

"I'll get it," Sabrina said, getting up from where she was seated on the couch. She was in the best emotional shape out of everyone. Hilda had been scrubbing the same spot on the kitchen counter for the past ten minutes. Ambrose was staring into space, and Zelda was on her fifth cigarette. They were in no shape to be dealing with customers. Most people would've expected her to be in a similar state, but, just like every year, she was fine. Diana and Edward Spellman were her parents, yes, but they were also strangers. She loved them, but she didn't know them. She never had a life with them, and, as a result of that, she had nothing to miss.

"I'm so sorry," she said, "We're closed today for personal reasons. Would you like for us to call the coroner in Riverdale for you?"

She had never seen the man standing in the doorway before. He was tall, exceptionally well dressed, and his posture was perfect. He was also holding a bouquet of white roses. They didn't get a lot of customers from out of town. Occasionally, the coroner in Riverdale was overwhelmed by bodies and they assisted. That was happening more frequently and it made you wonder just how many so-called accidents could take place in one small town.

"You must be Sabrina." His lips pulled back into a grin, revealing perfect white teeth. There was something about that smile that she found unsettling. It reminded her of some kind of animal. His canines seemed much too sharp to be human.

"Yes, I am. Can I help you?"

"I believe you can," he handed her the flowers, "These are for you."

"I think you have the wrong girl."

"No, I couldn't possibly make a mistake like that. Especially since you look so much like Diana."

She almost dropped the flowers, "You knew my mother?"

For as long as she could remember, no one had ever shown up at the mortuary looking for her mother. She had never met any of her mother's friends or relatives. Sabrina just assumed that she wasn't close to her family, and liked to keep to herself.

"Indeed I did," he replied, "I knew Edward, as well. Lovely couple. Very... adventurous."

"Have you come to see their graves before?"

"I haven't in quite some time, I'm afraid. My work takes me out of the country often."

She racked her brain to see if she had any information on who this could be. Her Aunties spoke of her dad often, so they might have mentioned some of his friends, but this man just didn't fit. It was clear that he was rich, and his manners showed that he had been raised around wealth and prestige. There was nobody like that in Greendale.

"Sabrina," Zelda called from the living room, "Who's there?"

"I don't know. A friend of my parents, I think," she turned back to the man, "I didn't catch your name."

"It's Lucifer. Lucifer Morningstar."

Cherry Pies, You and I (P.S the Devil Lies)Where stories live. Discover now