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True to his word, he showed up on her lunch break the next day, and, as he predicted, he wasn't able to stay for the entirety of it. She was disappointed, yes, but she wasn't angry with him. He had to work, and he had kept his promise. A promise that had been sealed with several unforgettable kisses and turned the peaceful garden of her dreams into a blazing inferno where she could indulge in her fantasies.

He could only stay for fifteen minutes, and that was long enough for her to determine that reality was much better than her dreams.

He was pliant under her hands, allowing her to push him up against the outside wall of the Soulfood Shack. In the beginning, he let her have control of the kiss, accepting whatever she was willing to give and responding to her in kind. She took an obscene amount of pleasure in making him groan into her mouth. There was something about the fact that she was the one responsible for those noises that excited her beyond comparison and encouraged her to continue her actions.

And for a while she did, happy to memorize the feel of him and learn what made him tick, until he caught her off guard with the way he moaned 'Princess' like he was having a religious experience. It made her stop cold with her lips hovering just millimeters from his and her fingertips lingering just under the hem of his shirt.

He took full advantage of her surprise and used it to switch their positions. Pliant, but not submissive. It brought a smile to her face. She should've known that he wouldn't let her do that forever.

His lips were soft, and that made it easy to forget about the unforgiving wall at her back. The previous night she learned he was an absolutely masterful kisser. Every caress of his tongue, every brush of his lips, and every nip of his teeth seemed designed to bring her the most gratification possible.

This was different, but it was no less enjoyable. His intention seemed to be making the most of the time he had with her, if the way he was trying to devour her was any indication. She was hoping that he had a rougher side, but this was downright animalistic. He kissed her with almost bruising force, and she reveled in it, giving as good as she got in return. It was a give and take. Fighting fire with fire.

Caliban's favorite method of fighting, it seemed, was in the form of placing kisses along her jaw and down her neck. He had indulged in this a little the previous evening, but she hadn't known that he would enjoy it this much. It was intended for her enjoyment, yes, but he seemed to be taking as much pleasure in the little bites he was leaving on her skin as she was, which, somehow, made it an even more satisfying experience for Sabrina.

Her fingers slid into his hair before curling into a fist and tugging.

A groan slipped past his lips, "Fuck, Princess."

She whimpered in response, not even knowing that was a sound she was capable of making. It was so needy and desperate, and she just couldn't help herself. Caliban who, despite being an outrageous flirt, had been nothing but a gentleman, had, or seemed to have, a dirty mouth. She wondered what other words were in the more vulgar aspect of his vocabulary. That was something she could figure out at a later date because what she wanted most, at the moment, was just to have his lips back on hers.

"Kiss me," she said, in a voice so breathy and quiet that she wasn't even sure that he had heard it.

But the bites faded away into gentle kisses, and she could feel the warmth of his uneven breath on her neck start to slow back down into its natural, steady rhythm. Only then did she realize that her heart was beating in a similar unsteady pattern. They spent a few moments just like that. Breathing, feeling, living, before he eventually pulled back to look her in the eyes.

Cherry Pies, You and I (P.S the Devil Lies)Where stories live. Discover now