Chapter 1 - Sky Blue Eyes

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Jessica lay in bed on Sunday considering her life choices, still as a rock, heavy as one too.  A Ben and Jerry's ice-cream pot lay empty by her bed. Her boyfriend loved her skinny and wouldn't want to see her put on weight. Her sky blue eyes were now bloodshot and red. Her skin was salty from the tears she had recently given up on. She does not move and has no energy to, tissues stacked on her dull red duvet like the leaning tower of Pisa. She knew it wouldn't work out but why end like this?  

Leo was a football player for the school who was strong and tall and a "manly" white boy, the one who wears exclusively lynx spray on deodorant. Basically like all the other boys. The only noticeable feature on his face was his crooked nose. No one but him knows how it happened. Some think he was in a fight and some say he punched the nose himself. No one knows.

They had been going out for a while. She felt disconnected from him all the time. What was wrong with her? Could she just not feel love? Was she to be alone forever? She became so depressed and discontent that she kept missing out on their dates. She tried to get help from Leo but of course,  Leo didn't listen.

It was over text, when they broke up that Sunday evening. He broke up with her as she was "not caring" about him. "you are ugly anyways" he typed with a beer in his left hand, phone in his right. "why did I even date a dark skin in the first place?" he texted as he added his friend Jamie to the group chat. Jamie chimed in as always. Jessica left the group.

She did care. She cared too much. His cursing chanted around in her head like a sea shanty, with oceans of tears around her deep enough for sharks to dive in. This really didn't help her mental state. 

The next day she reluctantly stumbled into school. Her hair was tangled and not straightened. If she were still with Leo, he would have complained that she hadn't straightened it. Her curl pattern was not as it was last year. It was damaged severely, but still surprisingly held some waves. She wore sun glasses to hide her bloodshot eyes and to not draw attention to her eyes. They were her most noticeable feature. They were sky blue, so bright and lovely. Everyone knew her for her eyes. Jamie and Leo would notice them from a mile away.

She didn't want to have to see Leo, or his friend Jamie. Jamie's green eyes could pierce through your spirit and his teeth were bright yellow. Other than that he looked pretty much the same as Leo. They were both on the football team and stuck together like two peas in a pod. Jamie was never nice to her but was careful not to throw too much shade when Leo was dating her. Now since they broke up Jamie wouldn't be as careful, and Leo sure wasn't going to hold back either.

She narrowly avoided them on the way to her locker. She came to school early in attempts to avoid them. They were always at least a five minutes late.

She was going to open her locker, retrieve her books and get to class early. It probably helped that neither Jamie or Leo are in her math class. She opened her locker, and in it lay a note. She really didn't want to open it in case it were Jamie or Leo, but her curiosity got the best of her.

Dear Diary,

Her sky blue eyes are the shade of a sky midday, and that clouds would be non existent in. Her brown textured hair waves around her dark glowing face lit dimly by the yellow lights of the school. She is graceful and carries herself so elegantly. Her beauty is like no other. She is taken though, typical. I hope whatever happens will be for the best, and the best for me is to be lay next to Jessica.


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