―x. naomi blindfolds a monster cat

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THIS WAS, WITHOUT A DOUBT, the most boring quest Naomi had ever been on.

And yeah, maybe it was only the third one she'd been on, but still.

"How much longer are we going to be walking, Grover?" Thalia asked, clearly just as bored. "I didn't come on this quest to sightsee in the Smithsonian."

"Give me a minute!" Grover said. "I think—"

Naomi yelped as she was knocked into Thalia from behind, the two just missing the opening of the Apollo capsule.

Grover jumped in surprise.

When Naomi got her bearings, she looked back to see Percy, panting like he'd run a marathon. Zoë and Bianca already had arrows aimed at his chest, though when she registered who it was, Zoë still didn't lower her bow. 

"You! How dare you show thy face here?"

"Percy!" Grover said. "Thank goodness."

Zoë glared at him, and he blushed. "I mean, um, gosh. You're not supposed to be here!"

"Luke," Percy said, struggling to catch his breath. "He's here."

The anger on Thalia's face faded in an instant. She put a hand on her silver bracelet. "Where?"

Percy told them about what he'd witnessed in the Natural History Museum—Dr. Thorn, Luke, the General, all that jazz.

"The General is here?" Zoë looked stunned. "That is impossible! You lie."

"Why would I lie? Look, there's no time. Skeleton warriors—"

"What?" Thalia demanded. "How many?"

"Twelve," Percy said. "And that's not all. That guy, the General, he said he was sending something, a 'playmate,' to distract you over here. A monster."

"We were following Artemis's trail," Grover said. "I was pretty sure it led here. Some powerful monster scent... She must've stopped here looking for the mystery monster. But we haven't found anything yet."

"Zoë," Bianca said nervously, "if it is the General—"

"It cannot be!" Zoë snapped. "Percy must have seen an Iris-message or some other illusion."

"Illusions don't crack marble floors," Percy retorted.

Zoë took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "If Percy is telling the truth about the skeleton warriors," she said, "we have no time to argue. They are the worst, most horrible... we must leave now."

"Good idea," Percy said.

"I was not including thee, boy," Zoë said. "You are not part of this—"

"Shut up!" Naomi said it louder than she meant to, and her companions looked at her, startled. Even Zoë fell silent in surprise. Naomi's face warmed, but she pushed on. "I'm a leader of this quest, too. Percy's coming with us. End of discussion."

Zoë stared at her, her expression torn between anger and grudging respect. The anger seemed to be winning, and she opened her mouth—probably to protest some more—when a growl as loud as a rocket engine sounded.

Below them, a few adults screamed. A little kid's voice screeched with delight: "Kitty!"

Something enormous bounded up the ramp. It was the size of a pick-up truck, with silver claws and golden glittering fur.

"The Nemean Lion," Thalia said. "Don't move."

The lion roared so loudly Naomi's bangs flew up. His fangs gleamed like stainless steel.

This Dark Night  ― Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase¹Where stories live. Discover now