2. Preparing for Battle

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Annie's POV
I waited about half an hour after Armin left the room so I could leave to not draw anyone's attention of both of us. "Last thing I want is Reiner bickering about me and Armin"

I left the room as I felt the boat stop so I assumed that we made it to our destination. I kept moving forward and went through the hallway to go outside to the front deck of the boat, I saw all the boys pulling the flying boat inside the hangar.

I stepped out of the boat to move to the docks to see if anyone needed any help. 'Doesn't look like anyone needs my help' I thought as I saw everyone doing their jobs in preparing the flying boat. I got bored so I decided to just sit on the edge of the docks, gazing at all the boys working on the flying boat.

I was so focused at staring at 'him' and how I was starting to notice how handsome he looks. I mean I would never admit it but I of course always found Armin attractive. Im starting to love that new haircut of his. Being caught in trance as I looked at the guy that I just made love with, just a few hours ago, I didnt notice the raven haired girl standing beside me that is carrying a box with ODM gear on top of it.

"Annie, you should go practice with Reiner on the new ODM gear since your not so used to it." Mikasa said as she was looking down at me.

"Why, I thought told you, Im done" I said with a cold face still gazing at 'him'.

Mikasa looked coldly at me and spoke "We should do whatever we can now. You don't even want to get on the flying boat?"

I gazed down at the water beneath my legs as I took deep breath as I found my answer "Sorry, but I dont get this whole saving humanity thing. Us Eldians and even Marleyans, we've been persecuted for a long time by this 'humanity' you're trying to save. Even if the Rumbling stopped, Marley has already fallen"

I lifted my eyes to meet Armin next to the flying boat talking to the others as I continued talking with Mikasa "I feel bad, I really do. They're all betting everything on the faint hope that they can still save they're homeland. But, I can't fight any longer, at least give me my final moments... to live in peace."

Mikasa followed my gaze to Armin as she suddenly gasped, shocked to who I was staring at for a whole minute. She looked at me with a surprised face as I looked at her. My cheeks were hot red full of embarrassment as Mikasa caught me, I quickly switched my gaze back to the water.

"When did it start" Mikasa broke the tension as I blushed even harder at her question. I swear I could hear amusement in her voice as she said that.

"What" I said obviously irritated that she caught me in the act.

"No?... okay, I get it" she said with an amused smirk on her face.

"When did what start!?" I said yelling a bit that made Mikasa chuckle slightly.

"I mean, Reiner did tell me that Armin came out of your bedroom this morning sooo..."

"That fucking Reiner!!" I hissed when I looked at Reiner beside Armin carrying a few supplies.

"But anyways, its alright... you dont have to suffer anymore, but Armin is coming with us on the flying boat. We're heading to face Eren" I looked back at her statement as she changed her tone to a serious one.

I turned a bit sad as she as well look saddened as she mentioned Eren. "Are you really going to kill Eren for the sake of humanity? And also, dont you have that scarf you always wore?" I couldn't help but ask.

She turned away and started walking towards the hangar where all the boys were working on the flying boat. "Im not killing him, im just bringing him back. And... yes, I still have it... but, im not wearing it now"

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