21. Thank you... (END)

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Armin's POV


We finally arrived at the city of Liberio after some... exciting moments the last few days.

Jean and Pieck departed from us as they went over to her father's house. Me, Annie, Mikasa, Hitch and the kids went our way to Mr. Leonhart's house.

We stopped by some shops mostly due to Hitch and we ate at some restaurant for a little bit because the kids were hungry.

After exploring the whole city we arrived at Mr. Leonhart's home. It was a very middle class house that looks very welcoming. I was bit nervous visiting Annie's dad again after two and a half years, what if he hates me now? Looks like Annie beside me caught my nervousness and kissed my hand she was holding as I smiled in response.

Annie went towards the door and knocked in a little melody. It was immediately opened from the other side and there appeared Mr. Leonhart as he quickly took his daughter in a hug.

"Annie! Welcome back!" Mr. Leonhart said in joy.

"Hey dad, nice seeing you again" Annie softly smiled at her dad as they pulled back from their hug.

Annie was beside her father as he looked at me, I smiled and held out my hand to him for a handshake.

"Again Arlert?" He said as he laughed and brought me in a tight hug as I chuckled and hugged back. "I practically owe you my life" He said as he hugged tighter.

"I'm sorry" I chuckled as he pulled out and greeted the others behind me.

"Come on in!" Mr. Leonhart welcomed us into his home.

Immediately after getting inside his house I felt at home, as if I lived here ever since I was a boy.  Mikasa and Hitch were talking to each other as the kids explored around the house. Annie was hugging my one arm as Mr. Leonhart saw it and faked a cough at us both.

"So... Annie is there something you want to tell me?" He said as she smiled at him and hugged me closer.

"Yes dad, Armin here is my boyfriend" She said with such confidence as I gulped as he had his arms crossed. He stared directly at my eyes as he suddenly dropped the act and laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha finally!" Mr. Leonhart said as he went to the kitchen. "I'm going to prepare some tea for you guys" He said lastly.

Annie laughed at my expression and kissed my cheek.

"Did he really get you like that? Wow" She joked as I smiled at her

"I'm gonna go help your father, stay with them in the meantime" I said as she looked at me confused but then scoffed and nodded.

"Okay Arlert" She she slapped my ass as she walked towards the others and I blushing heavily.

I snapped back into reality and went into the kitchen where Mr. Leonhart is. I didn't really want to help him, I wanted to... tell him something.

He noticed me as he was making the tea.

"Oh Armin! Don't worry, I'm almost done" He said as I walked to his side.

"Actually Mr. Leonhart, I wanted to tell you something" I said as he looked at me seriously.

"What is it son?" He asked

"I love Annie... so so much" I confessed as he laughed at me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Hahaha Armin, you already have my approval ever since I saw you two kissing over two years ago" He said as I chuckled and shook my head.

"No it's not that. Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't need your approval nor does Annie. She can make her own decisions and me as well. So I came to tell you..." I said as he looked at me puzzled. I pulled out a little case and opened it showing a diamond ring. "I'm going to marry Annie" I confessed as tears came up in his eyes.

"Armin... thank you" He said as he hugged me tightly as his tears soaked my coat. "Annie is finally happy because of you" He said as he pulled out and smiled at me. I smiled back and put the little box back into my coat pocket.

"C'mon now, the tea is getting cold" I said as he chuckled and nodded.

We walked over the others and hanged out for a few hours. Mr. Leonhart organized a party at his house for the night.

Reiner and a friend of his came first as we greeted him since we haven't seen Reiner in a long time. Jean and Pieck then came with Pieck's father. We all talked and had fun as friends.

Gabi and Falco were watching tv with Jean and Pieck in the sofa. Mr. Leonhart and Pieck's dad are talking to each other about old times since they both were old friends. Hitch and Reiner have been talking to each other frequently, more like Hitch flirting with Reiner. Mikasa and that friend Reiner brought here are having a decent conversation as I saw a couple of genuine smiles from her when talking to him.

I was sitting in a small comfy sofa as Annie sat on my lap with her head on my shoulder. I smiled at her face overlooking everyone else in the room. I kissed her temple as she looked up at me and smiled. This is the perfect time.

"Get up, I have to tell you something" I said as she looked at me a bit confused. We both stood up as she was holding my hands while looking up at me directly in the eyes.

"Annie..." I breathed out as I lowered myself in one knee and took out the little box. I heard Annie gasp as her eyes widened beyond belief. I also heard the gasps of everyone else in the room as the attention went directly towards us both. I opened the little case to show the diamond ring as Annie covered her mouth with her hands.

"Annie... I love you. I don't see myself living with anyone else but you. You made me feel something I have never felt before. You were there for me in the dark times as I was there for you. Through all that pain and misery that you've endured all I can see is the beauty of Annie Leonhart. You made me feel valuable... made me realize that I have a part in the world. I would be dead if I never had met you. So Annie... will you stay by my side for the end of our days?"

"Will you marry me?"

Annie was tearing up as I as well let out a small tear. I could hear sniffing and crying in the background from the others, but I didn't mind them. All I could focus on was the woman that I would love for the rest of my days. Annie snapped back to reality and pulled me up for a deep kiss.

"Of course my love" She said as tears still came down her face. I wiped her tears off with my thumb as I cupped her cheeks and kissed her passionately.

I pulled out the diamond ring and slowly put it in her ring finger. She examined the ring as she smiled at it. She looked back at me and hugged me tighter.

"GROUP HUG!" Hitch screamed out as everyone else came in and hugged the both of us. After what seemed like an hour they pulled out, but Annie and I kept hugging each other for a few more minutes.

After half an hour we all went back to what we were doing, Annie was with the girls as Hitch was squealing every time she glanced at the diamond ring.

I was outside as I leaned on the porch looking up at the stars in the night. I felt little arms wrap my waist and kisses on my neck.

"What are you doing here alone, future husband?" I chuckled as I heard Annie say that.

"Just looking at the stars" I said as she moved in front of me facing at the stars in front of us. I was now wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing the top of her head gently.

"How did we get here?" Annie said and laughed loudly. I just hummed in response.

"I have no idea, but I don't like thinking about that. Because if there's one thing I know for sure, is that we have to live in the moment" I said as I leaned on the crook of her neck.

"Yeah... you're right" Annie said as she gazed at the stars. "I love you Armin"

"I love you too Annie"

Thank you Eren...

For letting all of us live...

A New Life...


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