chapter 27- year without you

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The summer flew by after Neville Rachel and Draco visited. We're going to diagonal alley today and I get to see George and Freds shop for the first time. I'm so nervous for the new year. I've never been at school without George and Fred. My dad also isn't teaching at Hogwarts this year. There is a new professor for potions and Snape is taking ice Defense Against the Dark Arts. I'm so scared.

"Ready Lupin?" Rachel asked as we looked at the outside of Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. "Ready Malfoy," I said and we walked inside. There were people everywhere. We walked around and found Ginny and Hermione looking at love potions.

"Helloooo ladies," George and Fred said rolling up. "Love potions eh?" George said. "Yeah, they really do work," Fred said. "Although as we hear sis you're doing just fine yourself," "meaning?" Ginny asked. "Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" "That's none of your business," Ginny said and walked away. "Hi Freddie," I said and kissed his cheek. "Hi darling," He said and kissed me the. he and George were off.

I looked around and grabbed a cute little plant. I found George and Fred and went to them. "How much for this?" I asked. "5 galleons," They said. "How much for me?" I asked "5 galleons," They said again. " Freddie I'm your girlfriend!" I said. "10 galleons," They said and walked away. I shook my head and walked away to find Rachel. We decided to go back to my house where she and Draco were staying since we start school tomorrow.

"Am I the only one that really doesn't wanna go back to school?" I asked she and Jo. "I don't wanna go back either," Rachel said. "I wanna go back," Jo said. I laughed. "Of course you do Jj," I said. We talked for awhile when George and Fred walked in. I ran and hugged Fred. "Come with me," Fred whispered and took my hand. We walked outside and sat on a blanket on the grass.

He pulled something out from behind his back and handed it to me. "What's this?" I asked. "Just open it love," He replied. I opened it and it was the plant I wanted earlier today at the shop. "You got me this?" I asked smiling. "Stole it from my own shop, don't tell Georgie," He said. "Thank you Freddie," I said and kissed him. I laid down on his chest and we just enjoyed one another's presence in a comfortable silence.

"Freddie do I have to go back?" I asked him. "I wish you didn't," He said. "I'm gonna miss you," I said. "I'll miss you more," he said. "We're gonna be ok right?" I asked. "Of course we are," He said. I looked up at him and a tear ran down my cheek. "Oh darling don't cry," he said wrapping his arms tighter around me. "I've never gone there without you," I said more tears falling. "we're gonna be ok, I love you, you love me that's enough for us right?" He said. "of course it is," I said and he kissed me.

"we better get inside," Fred said after awhile. I nodded and picked up the blanket and my plant and we walked inside the burrow. I set down the blanket and began walking out the door for my house when Fred grabbed my arm. "You aren't sleeping here?" he asked. "come sleep at my house Rachel's sleeping here with George," I said. "ok I'll be there after I tell mum," he said and I nodded and went home.

I walked inside and sat on the couch. Mum and dad both sat down next to me. "do I have to?" I asked them. "you need to go to school pup," dad said. "I'm not going back after this year," I said. "What? yes you are," mum said. "mum it's hard enough saying goodbye to my boyfriend and only seeing him on holidays but 2 years in a row?" I said angrily.

"Emma don't raise your voice at us we know it's going to be hard," Mum said. "I know but dads gonna be home now mum!" I said. "darling it's nothing there fault come here," I heard Fred say. I turned my head and saw him with open arms. I sighed and walked to him hugging him. "I'm sorry mum, dad I know it's not your fault I just don't wanna leave him," I said and they nodded. We walked upstairs and laid down. I looked at my packed trunk and sighed. I eventually fell asleep.


"Lupin come on I don't want you to leave either but you need to let go," Fred said. I sighed and released my grip around his waist. "I love you Fred Weasley," I said. "I love you Emma Lupin," he said. He leaned down and kissed me passionately.

We pulled apart and I ran to the train, not taking a last look. I couldn't look back without crying. I sat next to Rachel who was also crying. We both sat in silence until we got to Hogwarts. Rachel and I have decided to do some extra classes this year so we can graduate early, maybe help Fred and George with the shop.

We sat down at the table when someone bumped into us. "Hey watch it!" I snapped at them. Rachel was to tired to say anything. "Sorry! didn't mean to run into you gorgeous," he said and I rolled my eyes. "move along," I said rolling my eyes. "I'm bentley, a transfer from America and that's Tommy also a transfer," The boy that ran into me said.

"merlins beard now new students," I said rolling my eyes. "Feisty one huh? I like it" Bentley said. "I have a boyfriend please leave," I said crossing my arms. "You are very pretty," Tommy said to Rachel. "We both have boyfriends please leave us alone," I said. "I don't see them anywhere," Bentley said. "They won't be attending hogwarts this year," I said. "are these guys bothering you Emma?" Ron asked coming up to us. "Yes as a matter of fact they are," I said. "hey these two are dating my brothers so piss off," Ron said to the boys standing before us. "Whatever," They mumbled and walked off. "Thanks Ron," We both said and he smiled and walked off with Harry. This is gonna be such a long year.

(Word count: 1,054)

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