Chapter 9: ♧Blood Games¿♧

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Neither when hell finally calls you nor when your last dying breathe would be taken would you have thought you would have lost your soul to a think a school sports day would have had its fields would run red with blood the disgusting stench of iron running among the crisp grass as wounded students tried to make it to the end of the game, their souls broken and reformed tone more ruthless beings, each life taken meant a year of their sentence or a pardon to their crime. What a savage way indeed.

But this was KQ what would you expect, it was just a normal way to decrease its schools population by giving the students hope and watching them tear each other apart.
Held each year at the beginning of spring, 100 students are allowed to enter but only 14 are able to win.

Hongjoong sighed, he had seen hundreds of lives lost durning his time he not once was he foolish enough to enter the ridiculous games the prize nothing but freedom only to be captured and brought back.
The blood games dubbed so by the students for each year blood ran through the ground.

The P.A. system stopped announcing the once boisterous cafeteria now silent, who was going to talk, no one but the whispers danced like butterflies.

"I didnt even know we where so close to spring",

"Who do you think the desperate souls are gonna be?",

"How exciting, I cant wait !",

Such different reactions.

And so the chatter continued, everyone's topic of discussion the 100 desperate souls that would be joining the blood games this year. Registration was to being tomorrow and if hongjoong was right things might be different this year.

Collecting his food he walked to where yeosang was sporting a human san blanket ontop of him as he sat talking to someone, who hongjoong presumed to be the boy san saw him allegedly kissing, seonghwa sat next to a curly blonde who he seemed hell bent on making  miserable.

"Come on seonghwa hyung please?",

"No, keep your hair flakes of me",

"There not hair flakes ....there there...umm",

"Hair flakes",


"Excuse me ", hongjoong said as he looked at seonghwa, hands carrying two trays one filled with his food plus San's and Yeosang's and one filled with snacks. Getting up seonghwa took the tray with snack and placed it on the table, hongjoong walked over and sat beside curly blonde but before that he pulling the dead weight San and placed him between Yeosang and the boy whom both still continued their in depth conversation even with the poor San between them.

"Do you think I have hair flakes ?", the little curly asked as he looked at Hongjoong, Hongjoong nodded and the little curly pouted as he touched his hair. Little curly looked at san then back to his food with a pout, Hongjoong saw this and smile,
'San-ah seems you have a little admirer', hongjoong thought as he watched on.

"Wooyoung stop touching your hair, your crust is going everywhere ",

"Shut up, pig",

"Pig !",

Hongjoong laughed at the name, maybe that  when the boy beside Yeosang finally acknowledge him because the the shocked face he held even made little curly no Wooyoung laugh,

"Yeosang hyung you didnt tell me...", Jongho pointed over to him not even taking about the half passed out person between him and Yeosang.
"I didnt know they where coming, so don't blame me...well might as well introduce myself best not to be rude", Yeosang said putting on his business demeanor.
The boy laughed at the change.

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