Chapter 11 :♤Rules and Enemies♤

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Stop moving


let your body relax

Do you feel it, the drumming of your heart, do you hear it ?

Let it relax you, it's simple rhythm of life.

The simple rhythms of life that beated through his chest, but it burned, Seojoon's face fell to a frown of worry, his brother..was in the an alliance no less,
"This is their choice",

"I know, I'm just worried".


"Seonghwa...", the voice bellowed softly trying to wake the sleeping male beside him, his arms wrapped around the other waist muscles flexing every time he moved, Hongjoong will never know why he so desired to sleep shirtless but he would never complain, he got a good view of the toned abs the man wrapped around him had and in no way was he wanting of those to be covered. His skin was flawless the occasional beauty mark here and there, Hongjoong traced the skin with his finger, tracing every dip and curve stopping just before the waist band of his pants.

He looked at the sleeping face snuggled into his chest, something about his chest being like pillows ?
(a/n: *cough*hongtiddies*cough*) he let the male do it anyways he was a softie for him now even though it would take you the world to make him say it, what can you do, Seonghwa's lips are very convincing.

Hongjoong sighed they chose to sleep on the couch knowing very well the state of his room was uninhabitable even to a ground hog. Shifting so he could rest his back on the back of the couch and so that Seonghwa wasn't fully on top of him, he stroked the others hair, so soft and silky against his fingers. Seonghwa stirred and looked up to the goddess unknotting his hair, his white hair falling against his face so beautifully like a renaissance painting come to life, he hugged tighter.

"Stop crushing me with you salami arms", Hongjoong said as he wiggled, Seonghwa scoffed, "Well it seems these salami arms don't want to let go", Seonghwa said as he sat up on one of the arms he pried from under Hongjoong, now he was trapped between Seonghwa and the couch. "Let me go",  Hongjoong demanded a slight pout with his words, Seonghwa rose and eyebrow and played liked he was thinking about answer, "I", was all he said as he placed a chaste kiss on the plump lips below him, Hongjoong was quick to bring him back for a next kiss, arms wrapped around the man's neck as he pulled him closer the warm feeling coursing through him once again so addicting far more than nicotine.

"You like Kissing me ?", Seonghwa questioned as he pulled away looking down to the now pink blossom below him. Hongjoong just nodded in response, Seonghwa tasted like chocolate and Hongjoong tasted of strawberries what a deathly combination, an ever so addicting chemical inducing delicacy while to the other was just sweet with its traits of addiction, how perfectly they go hand in hand, what a match indeed.

"Don't fuck on the couch", was all the voice behind Seonghwa said, "cockblocker", Seonghwa mumbled as he got up and stretched the couch wasn't the best place to sleep but at least they slept. Yeosang stifled a laugh, and Wooyoung outright sounded like he busted a lung. Jongho scoffed at Seonghwa for calling him a cockblocker and Seonghwa just rolled his eyes in annoyance, Hongjoong got up first thing his eyes landed on where the four that just entered the living room scratch that five san came in and went head first for the couch the only ones missing now where Yunho and Mingi.

"Hongjoong hurry and get dressed, the administrators are gonna give the opening remark and run through of the rules soon, someone go wake Yunho up !",  Yeosang said as he shouted the last part disappearing back into his room, Hongjoong entered his and sighed once more, what a pig sty, fishing through for some uniforms for him and Seonghwa he settled for a half skirt and a half leggings, a small beret with rose designs to the front and a shirt with the gold version to the school's crest. For Seonghwa he pulled out a matching shirt and some long pants he hoped fitted Seonghwa's muscular thighs, he played with the tie in his hand the soft material so pliable, so many uses. "Let take a shower together",  Seonghwa said behind Hongjoong, who in turn turned to give him a look of 'really?!'

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