Dangerous Wanderings- venturing (4)

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Image: AmikArtest (late night snack)

Insert reader: This one consists of the lead character contemplating suicide off a bridge.  A goal is set between Alucard, you and the outcome is not suicide.


It's an early Friday morning as (Y/n) drives out of London in your (f/car-an old Porsche is my choice).  The traffic is surprisingly  light for the time of day. Your boss was in a remarkably good mood, so gave you Friday off.  Or perhaps your boss is a demon in disguise and knows you will get an extra dish of punishment, from 'those' cousins?  

 It doesn't matter, you refuse to let it get you down or uptight.

The fall is beautiful this year in England.  The air is crisp with a touch of warm sun on your cheeks.  (Y/n) takes a deep inhale of the fall air to the scent of drying leaves.  The leaves are dry but they smell of a hint of sweetness lingers.  Perhaps because you visited Canada once, the leaves are a reminder of Maple trees and real Maple syrup on pancakes.

(Y/n)'s fingers tap to your (f/m- I'm using Believer by Imagine Dragons to write this)

"Is you a believer?
I get a unicorn out of a zebra
I wear my uniform like a tuxedo
This dragon don't hold his breath, don't need no breather
Love you Ms. Cita, the son of a leader
I know the bloomin' don't come without rain
I know the losin' don't come without shame
I know the beauty don't come without hurt..."

Fingers still tapping to the distinct beat of the song, your eyes spot the old English manor once more. The uniform stonework and the construction is amazing to you.

•†Hellsing manor isn't ?

"Oh, let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain
My life, my love, my drive, it came from...
You made me a, you made me a believer, believer"

You slow down as your car passes by Hellsing. (Y/n) says out loud,  "I would love to see all that history tucked away, in such a beautiful place, like that."

"Last things last
By the grace of fire and flames
You're the face of the future, the blood in my veins, oh-ooh
The blood in my veins, oh-ooh
But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing
Inhibited, limited 'til it broke open and rained down
It rained down, like...

You get a determined look on your face.  Your fingers lift off the steering wheel as you apply pressure to your palms.  (Y/n) gives  a good pull to the left and begins to move her hands quickly around the wheel.The sound of your car turning in the road and tires screeching is your verbal cue.  Your heart is pounding in your chest as your reward for a wild idea.  

Fuck it all!

  You are going to act like Hellsing is expecting you.  You're going to the door and you're going to ask to see the place.  

•†What the hell could go wrong?  

•†They say no? 

•†Ask to leave the property?

•†Arrest you?

 (Y/n) has dealt  with big egoed assholes so what's a couple more?

You turn into Hellsing's gate with two security guards.  (Y/n) stops the car, clips her id for work on and waits for one of the guards to approach.  You're glad you dressed up nice today.  Some make up, a nice skirt (f/style) and top with a black leather jacket.  You always feel like a million pounds in this favorite outfit of yours.  Your work id badge looks official enough to a possible law firm associate.

"Morning Miss, what brings you to the Hellsing Organization?" the brunette guard asks with a bit of a nasally accent.

"Well hello!  I'm (Y/n) (L/n) and sadly legal matters…"

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