Breaking the Ice (Part 1)

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Shit. Shit. Shit.

Bora cursed repeatedly inside her mind as she averted eye contact with the other woman– of course, she would be caught staring, that the Hell was she expecting? Their eyes had only met for a fraction of a second but that was enough time to make Bora panic– there was no way the black-purple-head wouldn't think she was a creep. How did she even manage to mess up that fast?

Siyeon smiled gently at the shorter woman who was obviously refusing to maintain eye contact with her before standing up, placing the menu on the table as she calmly pushed the chair she was sitting on back before making her way to the brunette.

"I assume it kept you warm enough?"

The woman's husky voice snapped Bora back to reality as she jumped back a bit, startled by how quickly the purple-head managed to reach her– damn, she was spacing out that hard? "I…" Bora trailed off as she looked at the officer, still a bit shaken up by the events that had escalated, she was a trembling mess and the woman's voice– that woman in general, was definitely not helping, especially now that she was standing right in front of her… "Yes." she finally managed to push her voice out of her throat as she stretched her arms forward, handing the coat she had been holding back to its owner as she forced a weak smile– the woman's eyes… they were black now… no Galaxy and star exploring for her… She threw her gaze back down at the coat in her attempt to take a break from those mesmerising eyes– they were too intense for her already dazed mind.

Was that…? Her hand…? Bora thought as the feeling of something cold yet soft touched her hand under the coat before reestablishing eye contact– Siyeon's face… it looked firm, her jaw clenched as she looked down at her, those two coal dots carving themselves deep into her soul as they stood there in silence– what's this? why wasn't she letting go?

They looked at each other, both getting lost in each other's eyes as time passed forward for everything else but them– they were so close… almost too close… They were close enough to make that feeling– the burning sensation, inside Bora's chest, reach incredible heights, her heart started beating faster, accelerating similarly to how cars do while on a race as her whole face began to burn up– not again…

"The way I'm already third-wheeling…"

Yoohyeon's playful voice snapped Bora out of her trance causing her to jump back as she let out a soft gasp– how long was she here? "Treetop!" the brunette yelled as she broke free from the woman's hold, taking her hand out of Siyeon's palm before practically throwing herself onto the blonde's embrace– the last time she felt that happy about seeing Yoohyeon was back in primary school when she had to walk home alone because her dad couldn't pick her up. "I owe you lunch–" Bora whispered next to her friend's ear before unhanging herself from the woman's neck. She was fully aware of the confusion it would bring to the taller woman but she didn't care. She was just glad to see a familiar face and not be alone with that woman and whatever she was.

"I thought you were already used to this by now, Yoo." the purple-head collectedly exhaled as she heaved her coat around her shoulders, smoothly sliding one arm inside the sleeve before glancing at Yoohyeon, the tip of her lips wrinkled into a one-sided amiable smile as continued. "What a small world we live in.", "You know each other?" the shorter woman placed her question, dumbfounded at how casually these two spoke to each other– come to think of it, Yoohyeon knowing her would explain how she brought her to the cafe. But how did she know Yoohyeon was her friend?

"More or less." the blonde shrugged before crossing her arms and letting her rim touch the coffee bar counter that was behind her as Siyeon searched the inside pocket of her coat shortly after wearing it– what was she looking for? "Si's probably the coolest cop you'll ever meet but also the worst teammate you can have on PUBG–", "– Inspector Lee." the purple-head cut Yoohyeon off as she showed her officer ID at Bora– Lee Siyeon, Inspector, National Office of Investigation, Detective Bureau… holy shit… Bora exclaimed in her head as observed the woman's ID. She had absolutely no idea what these exactly stood for but words like 'detective' and 'investigation' made her realise that she would be seeing this woman a lot until her case would get resolved…

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