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Disclaimer: The following Chapter contains adult and/or graphic scenes. For viewing conveniences, paragraphs containing explicit scenes are labelled with the following icons:

[+18]: Indicating the beginning of a mature scene.
[—]: indicating the end of a mature scene.

Viewer discretion is advised.


As the morning sunlight bathed every crook and cranny of the capital, illuminating every street and building of the buzzing city, Siyeon found herself in her office, shrugging over a case file as she read, wrote and flipped through its contains– a normal busy day at the station, like always. She adjusted her round glasses– using her index finger to push their bridge as she made herself more comfortable in her chair– feeling the pads move softly against her nose before going back to work. It was monotonous, she couldn't lie to herself. Being the vice head of one of the capital's police stations sure came with its income benefits but the paperwork– God, the paperwork… she could really use some coffee in her system to get her through all the folders that were neatly stacked up at the edge of her desk…

"Come in."  Siyeon casually replied to the two knocks at the door without even averting her eyes from the file– her hand moving against the paper as she flicked her wrist, signing one of the many reports she had due for today. "Hey~ Look what I brought, Si~" the policewoman smiled widely as she walked in– her blue uniform shone against the sunlight that came through the big window as she approached her supervisor's desk, a cup of coffee in hand. "I told you to address me with either my last name or rank while on duty, Miss Shin." the purple-head coldly responded as she placed her pen down before closing the folder she was working on. She placed the beige files aside before intertwining her fingers– an unimpressed look painting itself across her face as she looked at the younger officer who could only roll her eyes at her. "Tell me you haven't had coffee yet without actually telling me you haven't had coffee yet." the short-haired taunted– slightly moving her head left and right in an exaggerated mocking manner as she looked at the ceiling before glancing back at her friend who still had that unimpressed expression on her face.

"Here you go, Inspector Grumpy." it was now Siyeon's turn to roll her eyes at the nickname as the Officer placed a paper cup on the desk– Americano… its appetising scent intoxicated her nostrils as the thin steam danced through the tiny hole on the lid… She couldn't wait to wet her lips with it. "People should adjust their behaviour based on what they're wearing, Officer…" Siyeon spoke as she reached for one of the desk's drawers, pulling out the cash she had prepared for her coffee before sliding the money across the desk. The Officer raised her eyebrows, the corner of her lips curling up to a sly smirk as put the money in her pocket– vivid memories of that night had already started playing inside her mind as she opened her mouth and spoke without any filters…

"Is this why you liked me naked the most?"


The station's locker room was a place Siyeon usually didn't spend a lot of time in. She would walk in there twice a day, one at the beginning and one at the end of her shift– greeting every policewoman if there were any there before approaching her locker, either to take or put back her uniform. It was a process that would commonly take less than twenty minutes to complete. Today, however, it was different… Today her mind was too cloudy– too preoccupied with thoughts to finish such a daily task at a regular pace and how couldn't it be? It had barely been a month since she was discharged from the hospital– since she was told other realms and creatures existed– since she was told Yoohyeon, her close friend wasn't human anymore– since she was told that that woman, that stranger she almost lost her life protecting was the reason she survived… It had barely been a month since she was turned into a Vampire– since she had lost her humanity…

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