Slumming Angel

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The late afternoon sun filtered its way through the mist floating over the streets like meandering smoke. James leaned lazily against the cold metal support of the bus stop shelter, staring out at the bustling street corner without focus or interest in the dulling day when suddenly the Slumming Angel appeared before him, her unexpected glimmer of light sliced through the haze.

She didn't belong. Her futile attempt to blend into the environment had him watching her every step, gesture, and facial expression. The designer jeans hugged her figure, the set of stud diamond earrings flashed in her ears, and her Gucci leather jacket was a stark contrast to the second-hand coats and working man's uniform worn by the people rushing past her.

He became more curious as to her purpose. What had her slumming? Was it for a thrill these unforgiving streets could offer, a rush of danger? Surely, she had no real understanding of those dangers encircling her. She spoke desperately to anyone who would stop and listen. Was she misplaced and attempting to get home to the golden safety net that waited for her on the other side of the tracks?

He knew her kind though. The glow that emanated from her spoke to the wealth and privilege that eluded those who resided in the neighborhood. These pretentious frauds greedily exploited those who painstakingly work in their factories. These spoiled royals only saw wretched, angst-filled streets teeming with rage and grief manifested in the faces of the damaged and underprivileged souls trapped in a cycle of poverty. At first glance, one could make this simple deduction. The chipped paint and crumbling brick buildings were either half boarded up or shielded with heavy bars on the windows and doors. Gangs didn't patrol the streets as outsiders would think, but the tags marked their territories along with unspoken rules that laid out an expectation of respect. You didn't see the drug dealers just discarded syringes littering the gutters.

The ignorant Angel in front of him would only see the impoverished and run-down buildings instead of recognizing there was a strong sense of community. Street vendors secured their favorite corners or rolled their carts down the busy sidewalks selling delicious varieties of homemade specialties. Neighborhoods were active with kids on their bikes chasing each other down cracked and pothole-laden asphalt. Women held court in their yards. They gossiped and discussed the ritual of the weekend barbeque where neighbors gathered. The inviting fragrant smoke from the grills would fill the air along with laughter and a sense of togetherness a Slumming Angel like herself would never experience in her high tower.

James sidelined his growing disdain for her when she briefly glanced his way. Her desperation was palpable. The bus cut through his line of sight, abruptly interrupting his profile of her. He blinked several times, attempting to see through the metal and glass obstructing his vision of his new Angel. The bus door whooshed opened to the impatient stare from the driver. James was rooted in place unable to determine his next move.

"You coming, man?" the driver huffed in clear annoyance to James' lack of urgency.

James failed to acknowledge the question and stepped away from the callous driver. His decision had been made. He was aware his choice was impulsively emotional, but he felt the surge of excitement for what the evening could hold.

James cut around to the back of the bus. He gagged on the black smoke spewing from the tailpipe  hanging heavy in the vacant spot left by the bus. He paused, searching across the street for her. Not initially seeing her, he jumped off the curb and recklessly weaved his way across the street, dodging cars that blared their horns at him. Making it to the other side, he spun a slow three hundred and sixty degrees to try and catch sight of what direction she had headed. She had vanished. Panic squeezed his chest as he gasped for air. Where was she?

When her auburn ponytail finally appeared in his line of sight, a cool rush of relief flooded through him. As he watched her hair bounce in response to her purposeful movement, he couldn't help but notice the light and shadows contrasting around her created a silhouette of wings. With such a vision he was even more drawn to her, but quickly shook off his awe and admiration to head in her direction. His pace quickened to close the gap between them but slowed when she curled around the corner and entered the liquor store. James pulled up short of the door and decided to wait until she re-emerged to engage with her. He didn't want to look desperate and took in a breath to control his racing heart and regain composure. There was no real plan beyond making contact. He knew he had to be in control but wanted her to think it was hers.

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