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October 4th
[Hong Kong Shatterdome]

(No one's P.o.v)

The intruder or Rogan had eventually been calmed down, thx to Cody waking up.

Cody had calmed him down.

Rogan wouldn't let any of the doctors near Cody, growling at any that tried.

Cody was laying down, resting. Rogan was next to him, sitting in a chair. Rogan still had the knife in his hand.

He gently kisses Cody's forehead, whispering something to him. Then Cristan and Chase came in.

Immediately Rogan got defensive, the knife in his hand. Cristan and Chase jumped, they took a step back.

Rogan looked over them for a very ling time, before sitting back down.

"I swear I've seen you two somewhere." He says.

"Strange, I feel like I've met you before too" Chase says.

"Hm" Cristan says.

They tried to remember if they'd met eachother before, but they couldn't.

Stacker then came in.

"Hermann wants to do a checkup on Chase" He said.

Chase nods and goes with Stacker to Hermann and Newt's lab. Hermann was waiting for them.

"Thank you sir, Chase come sit down" He says.

Chase comes over and sits down. Hermann asks Stacker to leave, to which he does.

"Now, all I want to do is find out where you possibly came from Chase, so I'm going to try and tap into your memories Ok?" He says.

"O-Ok" Chase says, nervous now.

"Just relax, everything will be Ok"

He gets Chase to lay down so he can begin. He hooks him up to a machine and activates it.

Chase is thrown into a deep sleep.


(???'s P.o.v)

I opened my eyes, looking around. This was just after I was build and stationed at the Anchorage Shatterdome.

A 244ft tall white machine with some red accents on his chest and shoulders, a orange-ish visor on his face, stood not to far from me.

He was still as humans were around, but once all humans left the area, he moved on his own.

I look down at myself, seeing army green armor on my arms and legs, standing at least 280ft tall. An orange-ish visor over my face as well, a large reactor tower sitting on top of my head.

When I looked to the side, another machine standing 280ft tall was next to me. He was a grey-ish color with two large cannons on his back, a blue-ish visor over his face.

I took my first step forward, but stumbled. The grey one catches me.

"Careful Buddy" They said.

They help me stand up.

"Welcome to Alaska Comrade" The white one said.

"Alaska?" I said.

"Yep, I'm Tacit Ronin, but you can call me Ronin" The white one says.

"I'm Coyote Tango" The grey one says.

"Cherno Alpha" I say.

"Well then, nice to meet ya Comrade" Ronin says.

A Jaeger's Love (Remake) -Editing A Few Chapters-Where stories live. Discover now